Chapter 13*

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Addy was sitting in bed looking at her phone before getting up and walking to the bathroom. Today she was told that they were going to visit Vez's to go riding again. The stress was worrying Manuel and Addy could tell it was taking an effect on him. Getting up to get ready she took a quick shower, washing her hair and her body.

Stepping out of the shower she dried off with the towel as the water drips off of her body and on the towel on the floor. Grabbing another one wrapping her hair up on top of her head she starts to hum. Wrapping a towel around her body she stepped out and into the walk-in closet. Trying to find a comfortable outfit she looked around, finally finding one she grabbed the black low cut long sleeve shirt and some bluejeans.
    Setting the clothes on the bed she put on a matching set of maroon lingerie. Walking into the bathroom she started to put her makeup on and blow dry her thick blonde hair.

After doing her smokey eye make up and putting her hair in a bun she walked over to the bed putting the sweatshirt and jeans on.

Seeing her sleeping mafia boss she walks over and he kisses his cheek, "'s time to wake up.."

Manuel groaned keeping his eyes closed, grabbing her hand he pulled her into bed cuddling into her softly, his face in the crook of her neck.
     "Mmm, I don't want to.." he pouted as he opened his eyes softly, kissing her.

She thought all mafia bosses were mean and cold hearted but Manuel was the exact opposite with Addy, he was more like a goofy child at times.
     Crawling onto his lap she smirks, " you better get up, or I'll lick you.." Addy smiles and kisses his cheek.
     Manuel closed his eyes again and smirks, "you won't.." he chuckled to himself thinking she wouldn't.

Suddenly feeling a wet tongue on his cheek his eyes opened, looking at her shocked, "what the hell!"
     Manuel quickly wiped his cheek off and looked at her, seeing her laughing, "I told you I'd do it."
    He quickly grabbed her face and gave her cheek a big lick, smirking softly, "ha!"

Addy squeals and ran to the bathroom looking at her cheek, " you messed up my make-up you asshole!"
   She ran at him and tackles him, licking his cheek once more before running to the bathroom to fix her foundation.

Manuel smiles and gets up walking in the bathroom, kissing her cheek quickly he strips out of his boxers and looks at her, "yea, I know I'm sexy.." he smirks and says in a smart ass way, quickly stepping into the shower.

He washes his hair as he closes his eyes, so no soap or water could get in them. "Addy I want you and Jessica to go to the mall today, I have things to do before we go riding.."

Smirking, Addy looks toward the shower. " only on one condition though...... I want your credit card.."

Manuel chuckles and rolls his eyes and poked his head out, "is that so?" He watches her as she walked over.

Addy giggles and kisses him, "My credit card is in my wallet, make sure you get it before you leave.." Manuel kisses her back before returning back to his shower.

Jessica knocked at the bedroom door, "Good morning Addy! Hope your ready for a fun day!" She chirped excited.
   Addy smiles, running to the door to open it she smiles, "thank you.. come-on in, Manuel is in the shower and I'm finishing up my makeup."
    Returning to the bathroom she finishes up, blending her foundation once more.
"Ok I'm done, Manuel, we will be back around noon, ok?" Addy started to walk away, but quickly Manuel grabbed her hand. Pulling her toward him as he poked his head from the shower he kissed her again and slaps her ass.

"I love you Addy.." He says softly, kissing her once more before letting her go.
    Addy blushes, kissing him back as well. "I love you too Manuel.."

Addy walks to the door and steps out. Putting his credit card in her wallet she smiles, looking at Jessica as she was excited.
    "I've never been to the mall before! What is it like?" Jessica asked curiously, her excitement getting a little extreme.

Addy giggles, "it's a lot of little stores in one big store basically, they also have restaurants in there as well."

Jessica walks downstairs with her, "it sounds so fun! My parents were very...  Strict.."

Addy giggles, "It is, might want to save all that energy for when we get there.. and girl, same here, my mom was amazing but after she died my father went pyscho."

Jessica nods, getting into Addys Mustang. Addy gets in the drives seat and starts the engine smiling. Pulling the car into drive she drove off toward the mall, she thought, wondering what Manuel was doing.

The two friends sat in a salon chair, her and Jessica were having their hair washed to get ready to dye. Jessica was going with the light blue-ish pastel color, on the other hand, Addy was going with an dark red with black roots.

Closing her eyes she smiles as the women massaged some hair dye in her hair.
    Jessica squeals as she looks in the mirror being done, "Addy! How do I look?!" She whipped her now blue hair back and forth.

Addy smiles, looking up at her "damn... you looking sexy girl!" she giggled.

Jessica and Addy walks to the Nail Salon, getting a manicure and pedicure.
    Addy decide to get her toe and fingernails painted black and red. Her Dark red hair came out perfectly, a couple right red highlights to make it pop.

Looking at her phone, she smiles.

Manuel: meet me at Vez's, ok sweetheart? Love you 😘

Addy: ok! Let Jessica drop me off and take the car back home 😊

Looking at Jessica she smiles softly, "it's about time we head back, can you drop me off at the stables.."

Jessica smiles, "ooh, a ride in the woods, being alone in the wilderness... perfect date.. no one will be able to hear you scream. And of course I will girl." She laughs sadisticly and wriggles her eyebrows.

As they walk to the car she laughs, "if your trying to scare me it's not working.." she turns the radio on and 'sugar were going down' comes on.

Addy giggles and looks at Jessica, "Am I more than you bargained for yet?
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week
Lie in the grass next to the mausoleum
I'm just a notch in your bedpost
But you're just a line in a song
(A notch in your bedpost,
But you're just a line in a song)
Drop a heart, break a name
We're always sleeping in, sleeping for the wrong team
We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it
We're going down, down in an earlier round
And Sugar, we're going down swinging
I'll be your number one with a bullet
A loaded God complex, cock it and pull it!"

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