Chapter 9*

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Addy suddenly sits up in bed, crying. Looking around she saw no dead bodies, no enemies. It was just a nightmare. Sighing in relief she leaned back, breathing heavily, trying to relax.

Getting up she pulled out some needles in her arms. Walking to the bathroom she took a quick shower, washing her hair and body. Stepping out she got dressed and dried her hair, then combing it.

Stepping out of the room, she didn't see Josh's dead body. Sighing once more, realizing the dream didn't come true. Smiling she walked around, a scream was suddenly heard. Looking behind her she saw Jessica.

Jessica runs over and tackles her, hugging her tightly. "Addy! Your awake!"

Addy giggles, "why are you so happy, I've only been asleep for one night!"

Jessica frowns, "you don't remember? Addy... you've been in a coma for three months...."

Addy looked at her, her eyes widened. "Wait... what?"

Jessica nods, "you opened one of Manuel's packages, not knowing an enemy sent it.. a nail bomb blew up... my mom took you into the operating room.. ever since you've been in a coma..."

Addy looks at her and then around, "where's Manuel! Is he ok?" Worry was in her voice.

Jessica gulps, "he's came by everyday, sitting in your room. Talking to you 
and bringing you different kinds of flowers... he's not doing so good.. he won't eat.. we usually have to force him, one man had to knock him out so he would sleep.."

Addy blushes and smiles softly, "I want to go see him.." her eyes watering a bit.

Jessica takes her hand and walks out of the hospital building and over to the mansion, "here I got something that is too small for me, I've only worn it once. You can have it of you want!"

Addy smiles, getting into it quickly in the bathroom and looks at herself, "how do I look?" She was dressed in a beautiful black and silver dress.

Jessica smiles, "you look amazing.." they walks upstairs to Manuel's bedroom and opens the door. Josh looks at them and gets wide eyed, "welcome back sweetheart!"

Jessica shushes him, "we are wanting to surprise Manuel.." she whispers.

Addy smiles and runs to him, hugging him. "Where is Manuel?"  Her eyes searching around for her mafia boss.

Josh smiles, "he's out in the forest, been there for the past two days.. there is a log cabin two miles to the north... I'll show you the way.."

Addy nods and walks outside with Josh, "he's been a total wreck without you here.. he wouldn't eat or sleep.. I know he likes to come out here when he's not in the mood to talk.."

After a while, they saw a small log cabin. Josh smiles, "I'll be heading back now.. have fun.." he chuckles and walks away.

Addy looks at the cabin, smiling as she walked over. Knocking on the door she stayed silent, there was no reply.

Knocking again she heard a growl, "I told you to fucking leave me alone!" Manuel's voice seemed sore and raspy.

It broke her heart, hearing this. Knocking again she prepared for the worst, not knowing how he'd react.

Another growl was heard, "Josh! If you don't leave me alone I'll kill you! Stop knocking on the door!!"

The door flung open, a messy haired Manuel walked out. His eyes red from not sleeping, he growled ready to beat someone's ass.

His eyes widened as he saw her, stopping dead in his tracks. "A-Addy?" Tears formed in his eyes, "Addy baby?" He took a step to her, placing his hand on her cheek. "Addy, is that really you?"

Tears ran down her face, "Yes... yes Manuel.." she smiles happily, her eyes full of tears. "I'm back!" She giggled.

Manuel grabs her, kissing her romantically. His hands holding onto her tight, his body shaking softly. "Addy, baby.. I'm so sorry..."

He picked her up and carried her inside, laying her on the bed. He kisses her lips and neck roughly but in a lovingly way.

Manuel looks down at her, "Addy, I thought you were gone forever..." he cries more, kissing her body everywhere.

Addy giggles and looks up at him, "I'll never leave you.. even death couldn't take us away from each other.."

He smiles and pulls her close, "I love you Addy.." his raspy voice was heard.

Addy flips them over as she kissed his neck and chest. Her eyes closing as she kissed his lips once more.

Manuel blushes, "Addy, you should rest.." looking up at him she blushed, kissing down his stomach. "I've been resting for the past three months, this time.. you rest.."

Pulling her dress off she blushed. She unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off, along with the boxers. Smiling she licked his cock, then sucking on the very tip.

Manuel looks down at her blushing, getting harder by the second. "Mmm, Addy.. your lips are so softly.."

Smirking, she unhooked her bra and throws it across the room. Suddenly she yelps surprised, seeing that he flipped them over, him on top.

Addy looks up at him and blushes, "mm fuck me Manuel.." she smirked.

Manuel leans down, kissing her deeply as he thrusted in her. Addy gasped as her body tensed up, but soon relaxed.

Manuel kisses her neck as he thrusted, breathing heavily. His cock rammed into her, fast and hard.

Addy gasped and reached up, her nails digging into his back as she bit her lip moaning. "Oh god! Manuel! your so big!"

He moans out, his eyes closing as he thrusted his hips faster. "Mmm, fuck Addy.." Manuel leaned his head down, sucking on her nipples.

Addy arches her back, moaning louder. Her body felt full of pleasure and was hot, she flipped them over and started to bounce on him. Moans filled the air as they made love.

Addy bites her lip, "Manuel! I'm.. I'm g-going to cum!" She exclaimed, closing her eyes as her back arches.

He growls and thrusts up into her quickly, "I'm going to cum too!" He grabs her hips and forces her down, his tip pushing against her womb. His cock twitched as he came, cum shooting all over in her.

Addy moans loud, cumming as well. She felt all warm inside as she collapsed on top of him, both of their breathing were fast. "I've missed you so much sweetie."

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