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She was gone.

God, Kyler thought, it even hurt to think about it. He was sat in his own room, cold sweat dripping down his forehead. His windows were closed, and as a result, his room was hot and humid. At first, he thought about going out, but then realized that it would be too cold, and that he'd have to pass by the wall, so he decided on staying home with thoughts that drove him crazy.

He let out a frustrated groan and ran a hand over his face as he bit his lips. Two days ago he had went back to the wall in hopes of seeing her again. She showed up randomly once - why couldn't it happen again?

She wasn't there.

But there was a letter on the wall, and he read it, over and over, day and day again. He couldn't stop his eyes from traveling over the words. He hadn't known how much it would hurt him, but when he read the last sentence, he felt his eyes grow hot and a lump in his throat that he didn't bother to swallow down.

He wouldn't believe it at first. He didn't want to. He couldn't. He wouldn't. He didn't want forget the girl that wrote a suicidal letter and left it on the street. He couldn't forget the girl that he'd met twice, after a short series of letters. He wouldn't forget the girl that he developed feelings for after only some months.

Eumee was special. She was different. Her eyes told emotions that she couldn't say out loud. Her smile was so rare that he only saw it once. She was the best thing that's ever happened to him; and he didn't mind her imperfections.

Kyler stood up and walked out of his musty bedroom. There was almost nobody in the corridors. He walked to the living room in his socks and plummeted unto the sofa. Payton, who sat beside him, gave him a weird look. She narrowed her eyes into slits, "Kyler, something's off with you."

"Well, you've told me that everyday."

"Well everyday something's off with you." Payton replied, her green eyes staring at him. To be honest, she was right. Kyler was silent. He looked like it was the end of the world. He acted like he'd lost everything. He looked like he was full of so much sorrow and sadness that he almost didn't care anymore.

"That's because there is something wrong; just not with me."


Kyler felt like he was absolutely emotionless.

It's been a month, and he's read the letter every day. He's read every letter. He counted the words. He even wrote replies - replies which he knew would never be read. He was almost back. He was almost his old self again. He was almost jolly all the time. He almost made jokes again.

But he would never be the same.

"Passengers for the 2:30 train, please board." Kyler plucked one of his earphones out and drew a large breath before letting it all put. He put the book he was reading back inside his red bag and stood up. He walked to the 2:30 train and gave his ticket to the conductor. He boarded the train and looked for an available seat.

He found one by the window and sat down, looking at the people inside the crowded train station. He glanced at his watch. 2:51.

The train began to move. He leaned back against his chair and plucked his earphone back in and was about to close his eyes when he saw it.

Brown hair. Freckles. Hazelnut eyes. Pink lips. Pale face.


He saw her.

He closed his eyes, taking his eyes off of the outside world, refusing to believe it. He opened his eyes again and took a peek outside, and she was there. Standing. Staring at him, with wide eyes. She looked stunned. She looked paralyzed. She looked afraid.

And when Kyler jumped out of his seat and forced the conductor to open the door - he was afraid too.

This is real, he thought, jumping off the train. Eumee. He ran. He ran like his life depended on it. He ran and looked for her in the crowd. But he couldn't find her. He couldn't see her brown hair. Her hazelnut eyes. Her small smile. He was imagining her. He loved her.

He turned around, a frown forming on his face as his breathing became ragged. He looked at the crowd and swallowed down a lump in his throat. He looked up and stared at the sign that read what time the next train would come. 3:50.

He didn't want to wait, but he sat down anyway, and waited for an hour to pass by. It's been minutes, and he thought of how patient he was when waiting for letters. He kept thinking of what he saw in her. What made him love her. What made him think of her every single minute of the day.

His eyes were closed when he felt something slide on his lap.

He slowly opened his eyes and stared at his lap, which held a piece of paper that wrote, "Hey".

It was in his handwriting.

He was happy. He'd never felt like it before - so many emotions. Joy. Surprise. Hope. Faith. He looked up, slowly, as if he was scared of what he would see.

"God," he whispered, standing up, and facing her. She smiled, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. "God, Eumee."

She grinned, a tear slipping out of her eye. "You're...real, right?"

She nodded.

He felt his eyes grow hot. He pulled her close to him, his eyes closed shut until she held him as close as he held her. "Eumee. You're alive."

She pulled away and reached a hand up to touch his face, her eyes full of tears and her smile the biggest he's ever seen. She breathed out through her nose and pulled him closer, and she closed her eyes, until he pulled himself closer and their lips connected.

She was alive. He was happy. They were together.

She wasn't as suicidal as he thought.



it's done

LTS is done

ten chapters

two characters

a gazillion letters lol

Thank you so much for all the support you guys have given this story. It was wonderful. Please tell me what you think with a vote or a comment below <3

- aubrey

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