"The Party"

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We were at the car on our way to Miranda's next itenirary.
I was looking outside contemplating many things I haven't understood.
Miranda spoke "You thought I didn't know" I was a bit shock by what she said, she continued "I have known what was happening for quite some time, just took me a little while to find a suitable alternative for Jacqueline and that James Holt job was absurdly overpaid that of course she'll jump to it. So I just have to tell Irv that Jacqueline was unavailable. Truth is there is no one that can do what I do, including her. But I was very very impressed on by how intently you tried to warn me."
It took all my strength not smile. She appreciated what I did.
"I see a great deal of myself in you."
What she said put me in state that I don't know if I can handle. She made my heart flutter. I didn't know why,(but I do know) for heavens sake she is the 'dragon lady'.
But what she asked next made me tensed "But why Andrea? I'm the dragon lady, the snow queen. I wouldn't find it surprising if all of the runway people would be happy if I leave runway. I know you do too. Why warn me then?"
I exactly know why but I just can't tell her. If I do I am sure enough that in the next morning I am jobless in every working establishment in New York, and she would hate me ( not that she doesn't hate me now). I was about to answer her when the car stopped. I didn't noticed we were here already.
After we get back to New York there is this last night where we are attending a party. Of course because of the successful event. I am wearing a Valentino blooming garden embroided tulle dress matched with my  navy velvet Jimmy Choos. I can't even believe that I was wearing this famous clothing line. I was in the car first and when Miranda got out of the hotel I caught myself enticed by her. My jaw dropped of how the black silk soufflé Chanel dress  hugged perfectly her curves not to mention that the Chanel is matched with black Manolo Blahnik swan embellished satin pumps.  Miranda always look good on every dress she wore but tonight it's exceptional. She may have noticed the look on my face "Andrea? You might wanna close your mouth." Miranda said awakening me from my not so proper thoughts. I felt myself embarrassed by my actions. "I--err--so--sorry" I said. Why am I stuttering? Good thing she didn't paid attention to the stuttering (not that she give a damn, but I wish she do)
We arrived at the party welcomed by dozens of cameras and reporters. We made way to the party, Miranda greeting everyone that she knew. I lingered through the party and I was met by Christian Thompson, again.
"Hey there Miranda girl" Christian greeted me with a kiss on the cheeks.
"Oh, hello to you too" I replied.
"You look great, If I may have been honest I thought you were one of the models" Christian complimented.
"Hahaha, you always say that" I said back.
We were enjoying each others company since he is the only one I am friends with in this party. I know Miranda doesn't need me at the moment since she is surrounded by people, famous people to be exact.

It's past 12 and I know we were about to leave. Miranda is already on her way out. I bid goodbye to Christian and he did too, just I didn't thought he would kiss me on the lips. It was just a smack but it did surprised me. I looked over to the exit and I saw Miranda looked away. Did she saw what happened? I followed her instantly. She got up to the car and I quickly stepped in. Our way back to the hotel was a deafening silence. No one dared to talk.

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