A Not So Ending

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I didn't mean to snap at her. It's just that her timing was wrong, I just got off from the phone talking to my lawyer about Stephen making it hard for the divorce to be over. Upon lashing out on her I immediately regretted it upon looking at her pained expression but I just can't go to her, take her hand and apologize to her, can I? So I just let it go and it's also for the best, so I could distance myself from her.


A whole week have passed since I snapped at Andrea and for that whole week she hasn't looked at me in the eyes nor smiled at me every morning. It seems that she's building walls upon herself and I don't like the fact that she's so guarded around me. I miss the warmth she provide to me.

Another week have passed but she's still guarded. I'm going crazy if she'll continue that. I need to make her comfortable around me yet again.

"Andrea" I spoke so softly. She made her way to my office with notepad and pen in hand. "Won't you look at me?" She's taken aback by the tone of my voice if the startled movement of her body is anything to go by, but she quickly recovered. She looked up and in that moment our eyes met. The look in her eyes are so haunted, so lost, so far away. She blinked and I can see that she's not letting her tears to fall. 

"What's wrong?" I can't help myself. I can't do it anymore, I can't distance myself from her anymore. And that's where her defenses crumbled. Her tears started to fall. I quickly went to the door and closed it. I walked to her and took her in my arms. 

"It's alright, I'm here. You can tell me." It was a moment after I said those words that she backed away from me. 

"Don't. I can't do it anymore Miranda." What? what does she mean? 

"Andrea? What do you mean?" I hardly keep my voice from trembling. 

"I mean this Miranda, you pulling me in then at any moment you push me away. You show this warm side of you to me then any moment you start to push me away as far as you want. It pains me so much Miranda." Pain? In what sense? A small flicker of hope begins to rise in my chest. Does she feel something for me too? 

"Andrea? Can you tell me why it is hurting you so much?" The moment that question left my mouth i regretted it upon seeing the look of pure rage in her eyes.

"You do like it, do you? Hurting me. You want to know why? It hurts so damn much because I love you Miranda and this pushing and pulling in thing confuses me. When were close I can't help but feel a little hope that maybe, just maybe you can feel something for me too but as soon as that thought enters my mind you pushes me away ten times the distance that we seems to have and it breaks my heart because I can't have you the way I want to." And she's crying again. Her revelation stunned me. She love me. My God, she loves me. The hope swells in my heart for this chance of happiness to the woman that I love. And before I can stop myself I hugged her. 

"Andrea? Look at me, please." With that she looked at me and I cupped her face. 

"Darling I'm sorry for the pain that I caused you. I'm sorry for pushing you away. I just never thought that you could feel something for me. I know this does not ease the pain I caused you. All along I believed that I'm just the only one having these feelings." In that exact moment I saw her eyes widen.

"Feelings? for me? You have feelings for me?" She asked shyly.

"Yes Darling, I Love You too." 

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