13. I Hate It When...

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This is true about me so please no copying.

I hate it when like whenever were in the car and the radio is on or wherever were listening to music and my family can hear. I hate it when whenever I sing to the lyrics and I sing some lyrics wrong, (I do sing them wrong but I still sing anyways so..) my brother, Luke would always be like this.

Luke: no, your singing it wrong! Your supposed to sing it five times not four!

Me: shut up, Luke! Who cares?

It really gets on my nerves. Lol.

Vote, comment, follow. And laugh. Laughter is the best medicine! Unless your laughing for no reason..... Then you need medicine.... Hey, I just realized I put two funny things on here! Did you get that? :D Anyways, please do all that shizz. :D

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