chapter-1 part-1=the biganing

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A nother day for our super hearo in he's town cold bellwood and the bellwood banck mony stiling by some 5 guy's and ben 10 is checsing those guy's ben's sister and he's  grandpamax

Grandpa max:aaa gwan ware is ben?

Gwen:ooo he's told me that he's going to get slumo slamers 3000 and coverd for him but he's sill dide'n com.

Gradepa max:grate now is great time for ben's hearo time. 

and then in the game store ben so a 5 pepols stolen a lot of mony

Ben:it's hero time.

And ben activet he's omnitrx and slam it down  and transfom in to xlr8. And speedly ran to the tifes

Xlr8:hey ware you going .

Ben pick those mony and get to the bank and those pepoles get to the police steshen but some body in a labaetory looking at a camera and that was ben's move

?!?:so that was ben 10.

And he's near was vilgax


?!?:you guy breaig tennysone to me.

And some none pepole aperad in the shadow and that was a some to robots

Robot's: misson to breaing ben 10 heare activted.

?!?:now let see how tenison save he's self haaaaaa.

Ben 10 he's playing he's new game

Gwan:ben.... now you playing that game for huor's

Ben:nope i just playing for minites eat fire boll's.

Gwan:now what happed you playing that game and i trap in a super vilaen.

Max:gwan is write you in a game who will svave us?

Ben:ok ok now u go i will pley theis game and i will come to seave u.

Max:ha graet... whone play a camp fire gwan?

Gwane:yas let's go.

And gwan and max left and robots are coming on the bushes

Robots:scaning gwen and max tenason distoryd.

And the robots shoot to gwen and granpamax and the robots put a gase on gwen and grandpa max and the non guy came

?!?:now tensone will come esly haaaaaa.
  To be continued

Hello guy's i'm new to wattpad and i hope you guy's enjoid the story send me more tipes to how to write a story on the wattpad i donot know how to write a story i hope my story is grate send some tipes in the comment and i will beter write the story and i keep writing the story.

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