Forbidden Love

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ohhhh boyyy I'm so nervous
" well c'mon let's start the choreography" Sean said
I didn't say anything and just got up
" so you're not talking to me?" He chuckled bitterly
I just looked at him and went to my bag to take my water, sat down and drank
" so is this what we're doing? Ignoring each other?" He said smirking
" can we just get this over with because I know you don't want to do this but neither do I" i said without emotions
" there's something my sister and the squad have been hiding from me since I woke up and I'm going to find out what" he whispered in my ear
" so what song should we use" I asked changing the subject
" i don't know let's find some" he said getting his phone out

10 mins later
" I found a song" I screamed
" play it" he said
I played the song Harveston Lake by Johnny Rain
Verse 1]
A love affair too much to bare
I'm well aware
You said you needed me but I was always there
I was always here
Your heart was scared, I guess that's fair
But no one compared
Hallucinating you was a like a month of air
Such a breath of air

I wonder if you've ever loved someone
As much as you say you love me
No other one could ponder up a love
Enough to make me feel complete

Oh how did you save me?
When no one else thought I was worth saving?
You keep my soul racing
You kissed my lips and oh baby

[Verse 2]
Meet me at the lake tonight
Will you ever take the dive?
Look at me baby
I see heaven in your eyes
(You're still my angel)
There was a time it wasn't beautiful
A love that's blind will never truly grow
So I will drown, yeah drown

You saved me
When no one else thought I was worth saving
You keep my soul racing
You kissed my lips and oh baby

You heard my heart
You heard my heart
You heard my soul
We fall apart, apart so hard
But don't let go
We don't let go

" wow that song is just wow" Sean said hugging me
" yeh, um Sean you can let go now" I coughed
"Oh, sorry" he said getting really red
" so let's start the choreography" I said

5 hours later

We finished the choreography and i was about to leave
" where are you going? We haven't rehearsed the whole choreography" Sean whined
" ok let's rehearse once but I'm not kissing you" I rolled my eyes

We rehearsed and Sean lifted me up und I did the splits until he fell down which made me fall down too. Sean was on top of me leaning in until Maddie came in
" Sean BABYYYY" she whined
" I'm coming babe" he said leaving the studio room

He left but I continued learning the choreography because I wanted everything to be perfect. I was dancing and the music changed and privacy by Chris brown came on. I was doing my own choreography until I heard clapping from the background
" AHHHHH" i screamed
" calm down it's just me" Sean chuckled
" I thought you already left" I said punching him on his arm
" first of all ouch, second of all I didn't leave and third of all you twerk very hot and last but not least you are a freaky girl" he smirked
" aren't you supposed to say that to your girlfriend ugh nvm shut up" I said leaving the studio

Sean's PoV
I'm not going to lie Maya was really hot while dancing. When we almost kissed I felt a thing inside of me and I've had that feeling at the hospital... no it can't be her i mean Maddie was there she wasn't .
Since I woke up everyone has been acting weird even Serris. Should I talk to Kaycee? I mean she's my best friend. Ugh I'll go talk to her
" Kaycee can I talk to you please" I pleaded
" I don't know can you?" She spat
" Kaycee you're my best friend and I'm sorry for what has happened i just need someone to talk to" I begged
" Fine" she said dragging me to the roof
"Kaycee why have you guys been acting weird around me since I woke up from coma?" I asked looking into her eyes
"Um- us? Pfff nooo wayyy" She stuttered
"Kaycee spill it" I spoke
" Sean as much as I want to tell you what really happened I can't but you're smart you'll figure that out by yourself" she smiled weakly.
" but why" I asked
" Sean I've said too much... I'm sorry but I gotta go" she said leaving me on the roof

Did it have anything to do with Maya? I mean Kaycee never said it was a She but I'll find out soon

TYYYY FOR 400 reads babessssss
I'll upload a new chapter later

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