I'll dance in the rain

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Maya's PoV

I really felt bad for Sean and I decided to let him be. Later I knocked on his door and a girl opened the door
" hi, um is Sean here?" I asked politely
" yes, you must be Maya. Sean and Serris talk about you" she smiled
" really?" I giggled
" btw I'm Sarah, one of the siblings" she said doing jazz hands
" nice to meet you Sarah, um" I said scratching my head
" his room is the first upstairs on the right" she smiled
" thanks" I said hugging her

Knock knock
" go away Sarah" he shouted annoyed

Knock knock
" Sarah ughhh" he groaned
" um.. it's not Sarah"I whispered
"Come in" he said

I walked inside his room and I stood in front of him
" Sean, I'm sorry I didn't mean to. I get you don't want to talk to me I'll just go" I said about leaving the room
" wait" he said pulling my hand back making us collide together
We almost kissed, my heart was beating like crazy until Sarah came in
" Sean? Um I'm so sorry I didn't interrupt did I? She said smirking
" YES" Sean said
" no, I was just leaving... oh Sean you dropped this" I said rushing out

Sean's PoV
" is it just me or were you about to kiss her" Sarah smirked
" SARAHHH" I whined
" don't forget you have a girlfriend  Loverboy" Sarah said leaving my room

She's right but everytime I'm around Maya I just get so ughhh. Is it bad I want to fuck her? Ughhh why am I thinking about that.
I got up to see if Maya was in her room
And surprisingly she actually was. So I knocked on my window hoping she'll hear it

Maya's PoV
I heard this random knocking and I decided to see what it was
" hey, woahhh" Sean said
" what do you want Lew?" I giggled
" you" he whispered
" I heard that Charles. So what's up? I asked
" about before I-" he started
" I think we should forget what happened Sean I mean you've got a girlfriend and I don't want to come between both of you" I blurted out
" I um yea I was about to say that" he said nervously
" well okay see you whenever" I said closing the window before he could answer

I quickly called the girl squad and told them what happened and they think that Sean is in love with me. I can't believe that likeeee he's dating Maddie and all that. I told the girls I was going to bed but I really wasn't

I went for a walk and I don't even know why but I just started crying. I noticed steps behind me and I tried to scream but the person covered my mouths and I bit the person
" ouch, princess you bite like a dog" he said yelling in pain
" Sean? Omg I'm so sorry. I thought I was getting kidnapped or something. Wait how did you find me?" I said all at once
" calm down, I was going for a walk and I heard someone crying" he spoke
" well I'm not crying so you must be hearing things" I laughed
" do you wanna take a walk?" He asked nervously
" sure" I smiled

We walked around until it started to rain ( this is gonna be cliche af) . I wanted to go away but Sean held my hand
" please stay" he begged
" Fine, but if I get sick I'm gonna kill you Charles" you laughed
" come on and don't call me Charles" he whined

We had a lot of fun and he followed my to my doorstep and I wanted to give him his sweater back
" keep it. It looks better on you" he smiled
He started leaning in and so did I and I kissed him

On the cheeks
" goodnight Charles" I said
" goodnight" he said walking to his house

Sean's PoV
I came back home and I couldn't stop thinking of her. She makes me feel different . I am so in love with her

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