Babel Fish

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Sister movie nights were usually a good time. The Danvers sisters relaxed, laughed, made poor food choices that only Alex would regret the next day, and mainly bonded. Tonight, however, was different. Oh, there was still some rom-com on the TV. Pizza with extra grease sat on paper plates, and Alex was peeling the label off her second beer. Her gaze flicked from the TV to her younger sister as it had been doing for the last twenty minutes. Kara, who normally would be laughing or sighing appropriately, seemed to be in her own world tonight.

Grabbing the remote and flicking off the TV, Alex turned to her sister. "Okay, out with it. What's up?"

"Huh? What?"

"Don't 'huh what' me, Kara. You're completely checked out tonight. Where's your head because it's certainly not here?"

"No, it..." As a crinkle appeared between her brows, Kara's eyes moved left, and her concentration wavered.

Poking her sister in the crinkle, Alex said, "Very convincing. Now spill. What's bothering you?"

"Well, it's..." Looking down at her hands and sighing, Kara admitted, "The voice is back."

"The voice? What voice? What are you...?" With a quick intake of air, Alex grabbed her sister's hand. "Wait, do you mean your soulmate?"

Meeting her sister's gaze, Kara nodded.

"When did it start?"

"Maybe a week ago," Kara admitted.

"Kara, your soulmate has been close for a week, and you're just now saying something about it? Is that why you almost got your butt handed to you in that fight two days ago?"

With a shrug, Kara replied, "When we landed downtown, it suddenly got really loud. It was hard to concentrate."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"Because I'm...Alex, I'm not ready."

"I'd say the voice says otherwise." Before her sister could disagree, Alex added, "Kara, you've been pushing it away since you came to Earth. It made sense then. You were a young alien, and you'd lost so much. You needed time to heal. Now you're so much stronger, so capable and strong. You've got friends and a family that loves you. You've got a good career, and you fly around saving the world. Aren't you ready to share that with someone?"

With a heavy sigh, Kara admitted, "I don't know. Dating has never been my strong point. I'm kind of better at carrying planes."

Alex laughed. "Well, maybe your soulmate will need a plane carried."

With a smile, Kara asked, "You think?"

"Who knows. The universe seems to know what it's doing. It will put you together with your right piece. Out of all of Krypton, you and Clark made it here, and you both have soulmates on Earth. Kara, that has to mean something."

Thoughtfully, Kara nodded. "Yeah, yeah, you're right Alex."

"Okay, so, what is the voice telling you about your soulmate?"

"No idea."

"What do you mean, no idea?"

"I don't know what the language is," Kara admitted. "It isn't one I speak. I'm not even sure it's one native to Earth. It's pretty, but it's strange."

"Oh." Nodding, Alex said, "That makes sense. I mean, I've been there. Spanish was a lot easier to figure out, and I got great grades in it in high school when I realized I'd need it to help find my soulmate one day."

Babel Fish - A SuperCorp Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now