Chapter 6

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•Day 2•

"Elaine wake up"

Claire shakes her as Sherine and Glenys come back. Their plan was to hide until everyone is dead. They dont wabt to fight or kill any of their friends cause well. They ard also a family. An annoying. Out of whack family. And apart from the contast fights. They are pretty happy with each other (well almost everyone) .

"Kim and Trisha are dead. What now? First day and two are dead. And they have 8 people in each team while we have 4."

Glenys yaps on and on til Elaine wakes up. She tells Glebys to shut up as she is grumpy as always when she wakes up. (sowee elliot). They all start to pack up their camp and move out before another team finds them and kills them because they all know they are not good with killing but they are excellent in surviving. Then an announcement ks heard.

"To all survivors. Please report to base before the sky turns purple. We have a little 'gift' fir you. If you wish to not recieve it, you may stay at your various camps/rocks. Once you reach camp, killing is strictly forbidden. If you do want to kill, please do so out of the base's perimeters."


Everyone is standing in their verious teams of four. Each in tubes. Suddenly they feel zaps coming through the tubes. Everyone's visions so black for a while and they pass out. Meanwhile, the Mockingjay Pins glows with fire. The Sweetheart pins glow with water. The Jabberjay pin glow with soil an the Fox pins glow with electricity. Soon everyone wakes up.

"Whoa. What happened?"

NatSoo asks as she looks around

"I don't know but-- Achoo!!"

Belle sneezes out fire and it hits Bianca's butt. Bianca starts to jump around and she trips on a rock an falls on her butt, putting the fire out. She starts to yell in pain and examines her foot which is twisted. She feels her foot and it is broken.

"Wait. What just happened?"

"Why did fire come out?"

"Guys looks!"

Everyone looks at Elaine who is holding a ball of water. Soon everyone starts exploring what they got. The Mockingjay team got Fire. The Sweetheart team got Water. The Torture team got Air. The Jabberjay team got Earth and the Foxes got mind powers. Everyone starts playing with their powers together as they hve not been given their command to continue killing yet.

"Guys?! Broken foot here!"

Everyone looks at Bianca an then they hear the announcement for the games to go on. Everyone starts to run away as they grab their weapons and run.

"Sorry sis! Good luck break a leg!"

Belle yells as she runs away with her team.


"Look on the bright side! No one can hurt a lovely disabbled lady"


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