Chapter Two

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The next day I went to Scotland Yard. Lestrade asked me to come in and sign some confidentiality papers. Stepping out of Greg's office after reading and signing the documents, I still felt like a badass for solving a part of the case.

I walked out of the building and was surprised to see John walking towards me. "Hi again (y/n). Erm, I was just walking towards Baker street and was wondering if you wanted to have a drink with me." He went through his hair with his right hand. Was he just fixing it or was he nervous?

"I'd love to! You lead the way, I have yet to discover the best places to get coffee." I smiled and walked alongside him for a few minutes.

He lead me into a cozy shop with books and a few tables with comfortable chairs. We sat down on a grey sofa at the back, with a big window to our right. "I'll order the coffee, what's your favourite?"
John looked at me with his blue eyes. I told him what I wanted to drink and he stood up, putting his hand on my knee as a support as he lifted himself. Noo (y/n). I told myself Don't go head over heels for him. You know what happens, you fall in love, he does too, you get together, you break each other's hearts, you never see him again.

I sigh, wishing it could just be easy peasy. John came back with two drinks in hand and sat down next to you again, this time a teensy bit closer to you. Maybe it could be easy, I could go with it and see where this leads. And for fuck's sake he is cute. I took the drink out of his hand and we started talking about London, why I moved here, and various other topics.

We're having a nice time in the small shop until his phone started buzzing. John frowned and took it out of his pocket, instantly sighing when he knew who was calling him. He picked up the phone, "I'm busy Sherlock, so talk quickly. Hmm.. Hm.. Fine, I'll be there in a few minutes but I'm taking her with me... Now you're just being rude. Bye." John hung up and turned to me "Sherlock has a new case, you want to come with me?" I couldn't say no to those eyes and apparently he knew this as well since he just told Sherlock he was bringing me with him. I nodded and we stood up, putting the empty glasses on a cart as we went past it.

"Why was Sherlock being rude?" I jokingly asked, while swerving a few people on the pavement. "Oh that, he told me I was trying too hard. He can be an arsehole sometimes...No..most of the time. But he's a kind person when you get to know him." John said laughing. We walked along for a while before turning at Baker street. John took some keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door that had a brass knocker and the letters 221 on it. We walked up the stairs into a nice flat filled with books, files and cups of tea. Sherlock stood in front of the fireplace piercing a piece of paper with a sharp knife.

"Ah you're finally here, I needed something to clear my head." Sherlock stormed over and stopped abruptly in front of me while squinting his eyes.

John looked at Sherlock with confusion. When he realized what was going on he placed himself between me and Sherlock. "No, you're not going to deduce her! If you're bored just do something else, she just met you and you're already behaving like an utter .." Sherlock stopped him by raising his hand to John's face and he stepped to the right so he was in front of me again.

"(y/n), you recently moved to London because you wanted something new, something exciting to happen in your boring little life. You've obviously trained with the police and are currently working for a different department but not in London because you take the train to work every day. You like it, but you miss the years when you were shooting up criminals and stayed up for days on coffee and nothing else. Coffee, that leads us to the little 'date' you had with John, he likes you but you seem indecisive about him, probably because you had a bad relationship which ended in tears and now you don't want anyone to get that close to you for the fear of it falling apart again. How did I do?"
Sherlock ended his monologue with a small smile, making him look like a boy who just successfully summed up the periodic table in front of the whole classroom.

I was shocked. I stood there with my mouth slightly open, eyes wide. John looked at the floor and grunted. "This' what I meant, sorry for that." He apologized.

I regained my ability to talk and turned to Sherlock. "Well, you're right about everything. And John told me you were a bit of an arsehole. I can life with that, I've met worse people than you." I put my hands in the pockets of my jeans and smiled back at Sherlock with a look in my eyes that said 'do your worse'.
John looked up again, his brows moving up and down like he was re-playing what we'd just said in his head. He tilted his head and opened his mouth, but then closed it quickly.

"For god's sake John. Fine, I'll be in the kitchen so you can talk about this." Sherlock turned around and walked towards another room, leaving us standing there.

John started opening his mouth again but this time I was the one who talked. "John, ehmm, I had a nice time with you but what Sherlock said was, surprisingly, true. I'm not ready to get that close to people. But I hope we can become good friends." I looked into his eyes as I said this and was hoping he would think the same way.

John smiled at me. "Of course we'll be friends, we just had a coffee and I never thought of it as a date." He said reassuring. Then we both laughed and Sherlock popped around the corner again. "Great, everybody's happy now. John would you show (y/n) out, I have a case to discuss with you."

I grinned at the tall man, shaking my head at the same time.
These guys are so different, yet I could see myself becoming friends with both of them.
John led me out of the apartment, down the stairs and out on the pavement. "Thank you for the coffee and the company." I said while stepping closer to John and giving him a hug. He hugged me back. "You're welcome (y/n), I'm glad I met you."

A week later

I stepped onto the platform waiting to board the train.
John and Sherlock had been so kind to show me around London this week, We were meeting up in Trafalgar square at the end of the week to stroll along the shops and the river so I couldn't wait for it to be Saturday.

The train arrived, and I got on with a lot more people. After I sat down the landscape became a blurry mess from the corner of my eyes as the train jolted out of the station. I tried reading my book but I realized I was getting nauseous while focusing on the words. Fine, no book today. I'll just listen to my music then. I took my Ipod out of my bag and untangled the earbuds.

While putting them in my ears I looked ahead of me to make the nausea go away. My eyes stopped at a man in a cap. He was wearing a white tshirt, jeans and brown shoes. He had slick black hair and was chewing gum. I realized I was staring a bit too long because he noticed me and stared back with intense dark brown eyes.
A crooked smile formed on his face. I quickly looked back at my Ipod, my cheeks turning red. Thankfully I had to get off at the next stop, so I took my backpack and headed to the doors. I turned around one more time to glance at the hot man and was surprised to see that he was still looking at me.

The rest of the day I couldn't get that man's face out of my head. He wasn't on the train back to the city that evening, and I couldn't tell if I was relieved or slightly sad about it.

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