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I'll add more rules when I think of them

1. Treat others as you want to be treated

2. Understand that sometimes I might not reply right away as things do happen in real life and I may be working on my other ongoing books give me an hour at the most before you start tagging me or direct messaging me I live in England and time is different here where it might be say 7 at night for you it might be midnight or early hours of the morning in England

3. Please don't make your character perfect or the definition of a mary sue please it doesn't make it fun and your character has no room to grow and improve if they are perfect make it one area but have a reason why they are perfect like they have worked hard to hone a skill

4. When role-playing don't control my character or characters an example is your OC saw mine kiss a character or your OC sat next to mine that kind is ok but how they act how they speak please don't you have no idea how I will control my character how they act or behave like I don't know about yours

5. Anyone is welcome to join if you wanna use your OC use them or if you wanna RP as a character from the series then you can but I will always RP as my main OC I may add other OC's in and you are welcome to do the same

6. Crossovers are welcome but keep to a minimum like they are minor characters like say Sebastian from black butler might be your dad in an RP but the main focus is the anime your rping in

7. Suggestions on anime to rp are always welcome the next page is for that and explains more there

8. Each anime will have an introduction on what it is and the form then the page after that will be the start of the roleplay

9. Each anime will have certain rules that are applied to it and will be explained in the forms for that anime

1o. How the role play goes is up to you I'm open-minded and don't mind anything but you must state in the forms what you are comfortable with just add at the bottom if you're ok with swearing and so on or if you don't want anything like that

11. If you wanna RP in direct messenger or on facebook let me know

12. Role play how you want long or short replies are welcome I will always role play in 3rd person

13. If you are going to be gone for the day or a few days because of reasons let me know and I will do the same that way I'm not being spammed and you aren't 

Anime roleplay book (individual)Where stories live. Discover now