Chapter 2 💗💗

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As me and Kath walked into our house of dorms I saw a drop-dead gorgeous sex god with the most amazing chizled cheek bones and jaw line he had dark hair which was quiffed he was wearing skinny ripped jeans and a tight top that I could see his Six pack through and it was tight on his amazing muscles 

"Alexis?" I got snapped out of my thoughts by Kath"what ya thinkin' bout" Kath asked full of curiosity

"Do you know who he is?"

"He's only the fittest but biggest player in our year"

"He's so hot !" I said exaggerating the so

"I'm gunna go to my room to unpack see ya later yeah"

I unlocked my door and walked into my room when I nearly faint as I see the super hot guy standing in my room

"What are you doing in my room?"
I ask him

" What ARE you doing in here this is my room"

Soo Im sharing a room with a super hot boy who is the biggest player ever ,well this is gunna go well isn't it i thought sarcastically

"Looks like we have the same room then" he states the obvious to me

"Alexis,what's your name?"

"Zach , you got a nice ass ya know  "

"Your disgusting ya know that right is that the first thing you notice about a girl, do you judge girls on what they  look like?'

Although I feel myself blush and turn away from him

"Yup I do so your gunna just have to live with it !"

" So am I gunna get kicked out of MY room because your going to have a different girl over every night"

"Yup, im gunna go take a shower"

I hear the shower turn on as I run out my room to try and find Kath

15 minutes later

I eventually found Kath and told her about Zach being my roomate for the next 4 years

"Oh my god your so lucky your going to be sharing a room with the hottest guy in the world"

" Not really I'm the one that's gunna get pushed out my room when ever he has a hot girl over, so pretty much every night"


I walked into my room to see a very sexy Zach walk out of our bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist with his dark hair unstyled drooping down his face dripping droplets of water which were dripping down his face falling on to the carpet ,he has such toned muscles and a really pronamant Six pack

"Earth to Alexis , hello ,I saw you stating at me, guess  no one can keep their eyes of me"

"As if!"

A/n thanks to the people who r reading please comment and give me constructive criticism and please vote ly xx

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