Chapter 14

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Lena's pov:

I woke up the next morning and panicked for a second or two because of my unfamiliar surroundings but as soon as I turned my head and saw a beautiful sleeping blonde laying next to me I immediately relaxed.

It's probably a bit creepy of me to stare at her but I can't help myself, Kara just looks so peaceful. I carefully lean over and tuck a strand of stray hair behind her ear. As I do so Kara smiles, her eyes still closed and she moves closer to me moving her head from the pillow to my chest and her arm wraps around my stomach whilst one of her legs intertwines with mine, effectively pinning me.

I quietly laugh and wrap my arms around her pulling her as close as possible. I place a soft kiss on her forehead and let myself fall back into a blissful sleep with only Kara on my mind.

The second time I wake I feel comfortable, actually no, I feel flustered, what on earth was I dreaming about? Before I open my eyes I feel and listen to my surroundings, I can still feel Kara's weight on half of my body and her body keeps gently shaking and the sound of muffled giggling fills my ears. I open one of my eyes to peak at Kara but her face is buried in my neck, her giggles tickling me.

"What are you giggling about, hm?" I ask my voice comes out throaty due to being the first words I've spoken since waking up.

"Nothing," Kara says giggling again.

"Is that so, should I tickle it out of you?" I ask playfully. Kara stiffens in my arms and her blue eyes peer up at me, narrowing slightly.

"You wouldn't," she challenges.

"Oh I would" I say with an evil smirk. I tighten my arms around her so that she cannot move and flex my fingers against her skin.

"No, Lena..."

"Kara, yes"

I easily manage to roll myself to straddle Kara and pin her arms above her head keeping them in place with one of my hands whilst the other hoes back to her side and gently begin to tickle her.

Kara squirms almost immediately and I can't help but giggle. Her arms are struggling against my restraint and to make sure she doesn't escape I use my body weight to add more pressure but not too much as to hurt her.

Through her own laughter Kara pleads for me to stop. I don't let up just yet though, no, I release her arms and use my second hand to tickle her other side. Now that I am attacking both sides of Kara's stomach and she has her hands free she tries to stop my hands.

"L-Lena please- stop. I c-ant, I-"

I cut her off and pause my tickling whilst I respond, "I promise I will stop, all you have to do is tell me what you were giggling at"

"Never!" Kara says defiantly.

"Then I will carry on"

I carry on for about another minute before Kara gives in.

"Okay! I... give... in!" Kara breathes out clutching her sides and a grin on her face.


Kara's grin grows and her eyes twinkle mischeviously and before I know it I'm laying at the other end of the bed on my back with Kara now laying on top of me, pinned like I had pinned her.

Oh shit is all I could think before Kara began to tickle me. I struggled against my restraint and bucked my hips to try and throw her off but it didn't work.

Nuh uh, I don't think so. I use all of my strength and manage to roll onto my side, successfully causing Kara to lose her balance. I took that to my advantage and what began as a tickle fight soon turned into what seemed to be more of a playful wrestling match.

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