Chapter 7

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Geoff's POV

We put the body in my car really quickly and put all the stuff back. Awsten took over driving and quickly drove to our house to get the stuff I bought then went to this abandoned place.

We got there and Awsten proceeded to draw a circle in the ground with a plus sign in it. Over the chalk he drizzled some blood and then lit the candles, putting them all around the circle. We threw some herbs and salt over everything and told Otto who had to be holding his special object to sit in it beside the body that was already there.

I started to continuously throw the herbs and salt over everything while Austin started this weird speech from the book.

The room started shaking and so did Otto and the body. The candles got really bright with really big flames and I kept putting the stuff over everything.

The speech was about 10 minutes long and I could see ghost Otto start to disappear. I could barely see anymore as the light was so bright and the speech was coming to an end.

Suddenly there was an explosion causing me and Awsten to go flying across the room, I smacked my head on the wall.

The shaking of everything had stopped  and the brightness was normal again. I sat up holding my head and Awsten came up to me holding his hands out to pull me up which I gladly took.

"You good bro" he asked.

"Yeah, I just hit my head, what about you" I asked back.

"I'm fine, thanks" we looked over to were Otto was and all the candles had gone out, the blood and chalk was smudged, the fluffy bear was across the room and Otto's body was still on the floor.

Suddenly he started coughing and sputtering a lot and we helped him sit up. Awsten went and poured some J2O into a plastic cup and gave it to Otto who gladly downed it all.

"Told you it would come in need" Awsten smirked at me.

"Shut up idiot" it then clicked.

"Oh. My. God. Otto, Your here, Your....alive!" I beamed. He smiled and we all stood up and began jumping, well, began.

"Ooop. Can't stand" Otto said while falling back to the ground. I went to go grab everything including the bear and gave it to Otto.

"What should we do about that" Otto said pointing to the ritual thing with all the blood, chalk, herbs, salt and candles.

"Eh. We'll leave it to whoever explores this place, it will freak them out" I laughed.

"Fair enough" Awsten said. We helped Otto into the back seat of the car and Awsten went in the back with him to make sure nothing happened while I drove.

A few minutes into driving I heard an......

"Awsten stop poking me" from Otto followed by a.....

"Sorry, I just still can't believe your a human again" from Awsten, I laughed at that and continued my way home.

"Now you just need to write a book" I laughed.

"Yeah right, have you seen my school stories" he giggled with me and Awsten.

"..........did we seriously just steal a dead body from the hospital?" I pointed out.

"...yeah. Yeah we did" Awsten replied.

"We should eh, probably go and like, tell the hospital or, I mean police about this situation" Otto explained.

"..........yeah we probably should" Awsten added.

"Yeah, that's a great idea" I joined.


We decided on starting a band as Otto was great at drums, I was great at guitar and Awsten can sing godly.

"So what should we name it" Otto said.

"I don't know, maybe something to do with our experiences, like the ghost thing" I suggested.

"How about Waterparks" Awsten requested.

"Oh, yeah of course" I said.

"Makes perfect sense" followed Otto.

Life is great. Weird, but great. I wonder what the fans would think ?

(A/N And it comes to an end. This was terrible, I'm sorry XD. I honestly suck at writing, send help. Anyway, thank you for reading, I appreciate it, don't know when I'm starting another book but I have a fuck ton of starting to stories XD xxxxx

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