Error! | Pidge x Alien!Reader

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You had smiled as you had received a text from the Green Paladin. You had quickly typed in your code and then went to your messages.

Pidge <3; Hey y/n! Look at this cool weird bird thing i found! 

Pidge <3; Hey y/n! Look at this cool weird bird thing i found! 

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You; ayy... That kinda looks like that species of weird bird thing from Steven Universe...

Pidge <3; uh.. I've never watched that but it seems cool!

You; when are you gonna come see me?

Looking at your most recent text you had sighed because you have seen Pidge in awhile. You could admit that you had feelings for the small human. The human race to you was a little weird, but it was somewhat familiar to you. Well that's because when you were younger you had met a human before. Besides that you had continued thinking about Pidge. Growling a little bit you had put the strange device down. Pidge gave you the device, which was called a phone, which people had back on Earth. Since there was no service in space the Green Paladin had modified the device so it worked without the towers. 

You had gotten up from your bed and then walked over to your closet that held clothing for you. As you had gotten dressed you have thought about going to see Pidge. Just thinking of Pidge made you have warm-lovely thoughts about the human. However, since the Princess didn't like your race. You weren't supposed to be on the Castle of Lions. Maybe it was because of the history of alteans and (alien race)? Or maybe the Princess of Alteans had gotten over the history of what happened, and just didn't like you. Once you were dressed you had looked at the device and saw that there was no white box with anything in it.

"Maybe she's out there somewhere saving the universe." you said.

Grabbing the phone, that's what Pidge called it, and shoved it into your pocket. Fixing your (h/c) locks into a semi nice looking bun, you had walked out of your room and into the kitchen. Looking at the jars that had contained food you thought you would eat later, you didn't feel hungry at the moment. There you went out of the house and into the open world. A smile had played on your lips as you had seen a few others of your race walking out of their homes.

"I just hope she comes soon." you mumbled

With that being said you had walked away from your house and went to the place where the doc, where you would watch different kinds of ships come in and out. The crews of the ships unloading crates or different races visiting your planet. Once you had gotten there you thought you had saw Pidge, you had looked at the person again, it wasn't the paladin. Soon the hopes of your little friend coming to see you, were soon crushed.

"Y/n!?" a voice called

You didn't bother to look, you were just so crushed.

"Y/n! Look at me right now!" the voice yelled again.

"Leave me alone, I'm too busy being crushed." you growled, but it was more of a mumble.

Soon a hand had grabbed your shoulder and forced you to turn, you had looked up and saw her. It was Pidge, soon all of your hopes and feelings had returned to you. Instantly you had pulled the smallish human into a tight hug. 

"Woah! Did you really miss me that much?!" Pidge asked.

"Pidge, you do realized that we haven't seen each other in like 45 vargas, right?" you spoke.

The small human had gasped and then she had scratched her neck, she had looked embarrassed because there was a tint of red on the Green Paladin's face.

"I guess I had a error?" Pidge chuckled.

"What error?" you asked.


"You know that picture of that weird space bird I showed you?"

"Yes, why...? Don't tell me it ate your phone!" you screeched.

Pidge had looked really red all of a sudden. 

"So you didn't get my message that I sent you?

You had replied with a no. Soon you found out why paladin was ignoring you since the last meeting you had with them. It was because she was trying to get courage in order to tell you on how she had felt about you. Just from the green paladin saying this you had mutual feelings for her.

After some time the two of you decided that you would cuddle and do all of that cute couple shit.

"I love you Y/n"

You had blushed a little before saying it back.

"I love you too Pidgeon."

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