Disappearance Pt. 1 || Keith x Reader

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|| A/n: you don't have to listen to the song I put with it, but it's something I was listening to while I was typing this :>> 

(Y/n), a person who was a young woman who obviously crushed on someone. That person was Keith Kogane. Though it had disappeared when Keith was kicked out of the Garrison, well, that's what everyone said. Knowing that Kogane was and probably still is a young man with a hot temper. (Y/n) had figured there had to be some source of the male's anger, however, she couldn't because ever since she heard about Takashi Shirogane crash landing on Garrison property and escaping with the help of Keith Kogane, she hasn't heard or seen him ever since that night.  It wasn't actually that night, the next day after hearing about Keith helping Shiro escape from the Garrison people who were originally questioning Shiro when he first came, she saw a giant blue mechanical lion flying into the sky. The giant blue lion had disappeared into plain sight, which looked like it was heading somewhere out in space.


It had been some time since (Y/n) (L/n) had seen Keith Kogane. Which she automatically thought was dead after going into god knows where into that giant blue mechanical lion. (Y/n) had aged at least 4 years since she last saw Keith and the other boys that helped him rescue Takashi Shirogane. (Y/n) was still a cadet, but in a few months, she would be going on a mission to some moon that was a little outside of the very solar system that they lived in.

(Y/n) had put on the suit that they would be wearing on the mission, though she would be able to wear her normal clothes. She had sighed as she had carried the small bag that was crammed with her clothes and a few of her belongings that they were allowed to take. She had put her stuff in the room that she would be staying, luckily there were enough rooms on the ship for every person who was a part of the mission.

The (h/c) hair female around her room and sighed as she had put away her clothes in the small built-in dresser. After putting away her clothes someone had came into her room to tell her that they would be launching soon and that before the ship launched she would have to report in the main deck while they exited Earth's Atmosphere. The (e/c) eyed female had nodded at the comrade who had came into her room, she had continued organizing her room to her liking.

// This is the room, but a little bigger :>

What barely seemed like a few minutes, was actually half an hour

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What barely seemed like a few minutes, was actually half an hour. Another person had walked into (Y/n)'s room, the person was a lightly tanned person, maybe Cuban or Mexican who had bleached hair, which was probably black or a dark brown color which was possibly close to black. 

"Hey (y/n) we are getting ready to launch so we need you in the main deck," he said, this person was named Leo, (Y/n) had known Leo a little over 4 months before today. 

"Alright," the (h/c) haired female replied.

(H/c) locks had bounced ever so slightly as for the female was sitting on the ground doing nothing, but finding ways on how to organize her books that she brought. Honestly, she wasn't sure if she should've brought them since they were on this mission to actually learn something on the moon that they were going to be on for lord knows how long. Another reason being said is that she would be busy with the tasks that she was and would soon be assigned to.

Once (Y/n) was up, she and Leo had made their way from her room to the first floor, which was the top floor of the ship. Which was basically one level, since the top and their sleeping chambers were back to back. They had entered the stairway which was levitating disks, technology after the third world war had advanced and updated quicker. Leo had gone to his small, yet large station which was beside where the captain of the ship and mission.

(Y/n)'s station, on the other hand, was in front of Leo's it was basically an analysis station. All she would do so far is giving the captain and other's updates on the materials, food, shield percentage, and more. Though when they launch there wouldn't be much for the (s/c) skinned female to do. 


To be Continued~

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