My Only Sunshine...

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Frank's POV

*Trigger Warning!*

"Gerard, would you hurry up?! I've gotta pee, man!!" I whined, rattling the doorknob.

"Hold your pretty little horses, I'll be out in a minute!" Gee called back, sounding irritated.

I sat down by the door and held my crotch, on the verge of peeing my pants, when the door opened. I shoved past Gerard and slammed the door, reveling in the immense relief I found in taking a leak.

I heard a small 'snrk' and turned to see Gerard still standing there, inside the bathroom with me, grinning like an idiot.

My face heated up almost immediately. "GERARD WHAT THE FUCK GET OUT!!! OUT, OUT, OUT!"

He laughed as I shoved him out of the bathroom, slamming the door for the second time and locking it.

"Awwwe, but Frankiiiiiie!" he called through the door.

"Don't you 'Awe but Frankie' me, mister! Go do something else!"

"How about someone else?" He said. I could practically hear the sneer on his face.


He started laughing again and I groaned. "Get lost!"

"Alright, alright, I'm going!"

I heard his retreating footsteps and relaxed. Now I could do what I needed to.

I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the razor I kept hidden, wedged between the wall and the cabinet. I took off my shirt and closed my eyes. I closed the cabinet, not once looking in that damned mirror, and sat on the floor.

I pressed the blade into my forearm and drug it across the scabbed, scared skin. I grit my teeth and pushed the blade deeper, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

He would find someone else... He even said he would.

"I love you, Gee..." I whimpered, dropping the blade.

"...Frankie, what are you doing in there...?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. "N-Nothing!" I quickly pulled my shirt back on and wiped my eyes. "I thought you left..."

"I came back... you've been in there a while... can I come in?"

I shoved the blade in my pocket, gripped the ends of my sleeves, and unlocked the door. "Yeah..."

He opened the door and looked over at me. "Frankie, what's- Oh my God, is that blood?!"

I instincivelly looked down at my sleeve. There wasn't any blood though...

"I knew it." Gerard said. "I fucking knew it. That's why you keep the lights off in our room when you get dressed or when I take your shirt off. Take it off, Frank."

"Gee, I-"

"Take it off right now, or I will!"

I winced at his sudden uproar and let go of my sleeves, pulling the shirt off. The fresh cut was still bleeding.

He sighed and grabbed some stuff from under the sink and started cleaning my cuts. He wrapped the fresh one up and then looked at me.

"Your blade?" I gave it to him.

"This the only one?" I nodded. He sighed again. "Why, Frankie?"

"I just don't get it..." I mumbled and looked at the floor.

He lifted my chin and made me look at him. "Get what Frankie?"

"Why you stay with me..."

He sighed and hugged me. "I stay because I love you, Frankie, and only you. I've always loved you. You're the only one for me, Frankie. I mean that. Don't you ever doubt that."


"No, promise me. Promise me you won't stop believing in us."

I couldn't stop myself. I started crying and hugged him. "I promise, Gee. I promise."

He held me close to his chest and rocked me. "It's okay, Frankie. It's okay."

I would never cut again after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2018 ⏰

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