Soulmate Imagine #2 ~ Henry Bowers x Reader

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Note: This is NOT a continuation of the last imagine. This is a whole new story                                                                 

                                                                                     ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      I pulled the collar of my shirt up one more time before sighing and walking up to the school. I dodged and swerved around all of the other people, trying to make it as fast as I could to either  class or the rest of the Losers club before Henry could show up. He always showed up at the worst times and he always seemed to be after me, which is exactly why I intended to keep my collar bone covered until my very last breath, because on my collar bone, in messy print, was the name 'Henry Bowers.'

      I had just turned the corner, moving towards the direction my first period class was at, when I slammed into someone else. I hit the ground hard and winced. "I'm so so sorry. I didn't-" My voice died on my lips as I looked up to see Henry standing above me, Victor at his side. "Henry." My voice cracked as I stared up at him. "Nice to see you here, (y/n). Victor and I were just looking for a bitch to play with." I stared at him with wide eyes, not knowing what to say as I clenched my backpack straps tightly. "I'm sorry." "You should be." He grabbed me by the collar of my shirt and pulled me up. "I-" "Hey Bowers!" The hand loosened on my shirt as Henry turned to look behind him. I took the chance to push him into Victor and I rushed towards the voice, which happened to be Richie. I heard Henry and Victor grunt as they fell, but I didn't dare look back. I already knew the deadly sneer I was going to get if I did.       

                                                                                ~ Time Skip ~

      The day went by faster than I wanted it to. I trudged out of history, my last period, with Bill at my side. I was more alert than ever now, knowing Henry would be hunting for me as soon as school ended so he could kick my ass.. Or worse.

      "G-geez (y/n). Why are you s-so jumpy?" I bit my lip, looking at him as we exited the school. "I had a not so good run-in with Bowers earlier and he'll be wanting to kill me now." Bill's eye brows scrunched in together. "W-what'd you do?" "I may or may not have pushed him. I don't think my mind was in the moment at the time and I was freaked out so I just... Him and Victor fell." "D-doesn't he know y-your his s-soulmate?" I shrugged. "I'd assume so, but he could have it in a place where it isn't as easy for him to read, or he just doesn't care. I wouldn't be surprised if it was the second option." Bill said nothing in response.

      We had barely made it halfway to our neighborhood road when I felt something grab the back of my shirt. I cried out in surprise and Bill looked at me with wide eyes as Victor and Belch came to his side, smirks on their face. They grabbed Bill and began to pull him back and then I felt a pulling on my shirt. "Stop it! Henry! Whoever! You're choking me!" I held onto the collar of my shirt, barely preventing it from cutting off my air supply. "H-hey! L-let us go!" Bill cried out and I heard him struggling some. "Shut up B-b-billy." I heard Henry growl as he mocked Bill. I was right, he was the one pulling me along. 

      We quickly came onto what everyone knew as the Kissing Bridge. I had given up on struggling, as it only made the shirt dig into my skin more. Bill made objections, but I knew that he had given up too. It was always like this, always. 

      I felt my bag being slid off of my shoulders before I was turned around to face Henry. He pushed me into the wooden rail with so many names carved into it. "Henry please-" "Save it. You pulled a nice trick earlier, pushing me and Vic like that when Trashmouth distracted us. I'll have to get him back for that later." I looked helplessly at Bill and he looked just as scared as I felt. "Fine. Do whatever to me, but let Bill go." "(y-y/n)! No-" "Why should I?" I heard the flick of a knife and I looked down to see a pocket knife in Henry's hand. I gulped but tried to make myself look brave. "He didn't do anything to you. Neither did Richie, just don't hurt them." "But-" Henry was shoved out of the way and Patrick came into my view. When had he shown up?

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