Flower Girl ~ Bill Denbrough x Reader

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                                                                            ~ (y/n)'s P.O.V ~

      I sighed, leaning against the counter of my mom and dad's flower shop. They were having me work here starting this summer, and they were hoping once I finished school that I would stay her and takeover for them. 

      "E-excuse me, m-miss?" I blinked dazedly, being pulled out of my daydream. In front of me stood a boy with auburn hair and bright eyes. He was my age.

      "Hello. Is there something I can help you with?" The boy fiddled with his fingers. "A-a-actually, there is. W-what flower w-would you r-r-r-" His cheeks burnt as his stutter got worse. "recommend f-for telling s-s-someone your adoration f-for them?" He sighed, probably relieved his sentence was finished. 

      I placed my palms on the counter and leaned towards him, a smile was on my face. "You wanna pick a flower on purpose?! Not just because it's pretty?" The boy looked at me uncertainly, then nodded. 

      "Thank goodness! I was hoping my flower study wouldn't go to waste. Follow me!" I grabbed his hand and dragged him to a huge wall of flowers. 

      "The more known flowers to show your adoration for someone is sunflowers," I grabbed a bouquet of sunflowers from the wall. "Heather can show admiration, which isn't exactly-" 

      "Don't overwhelm the poor boy, (y/n). Sunflowers will do just fine." I slumped my shoulders at my dad's voice. "Sorry..." I murmured. My dad nodded, then left, but not going too far to make sure I didn't go on a rant again. 

      "Are sunflowers okay for you?" The boy hesitantly nodded, eyeballing my dad who was a few feet away. I shoved down my disappointment. "Okay, then I can check you out at the counter. Follow me." 

                                                                                      ~ Time Skip ~

      "I'm gonna head home! I'll see you in a bit mom and dad!" They both told their good-byes to me. I unchained my bike from its place at the side of the store, rolled in out to the sidewalk, then began my ride home. 

      When I got home, a bouquet of flowers was waiting on the doorstep. As I got closer, I realized it was the bouquet of sunflowers the boy had bought earlier. They had been put in a beautiful (f/c) vase. 

     "Oh my gosh..." I left my bike to lean against the railing of the porch. I unlocked the door, then picked up the vase. I carefully walked into my house and shut the door behind me. 

      It wasn't until I got to my room and had placed the vase down on my desk that I noticed a note was carefully placed between the flower petals. I gently took it out and opened the note. 

          Dear Flower Girl,

                            You went to the same high school as me this past year, though I don't think you noticed me as much as I noticed you. We had 5 of our classes together. My name is Bill Denbrough. I really didn't mind you ranting about flowers earlier, though your dad did seem to. I'd love to hear more sometime. 

                                                        ~ <3

      I smiled, placing the note aside on my desk and looking out my window, seeing if he was still out there. I couldn't see him, but I made a visible thumbs-up anyway, just in case he was. 

                                                                                 ~ Time Skip ~ 

      It was a week later when Bill came in. "E-excuse me, m-miss?" I looked up with a smile. "Hello! Is there something I can help you with?" My voice came out happier than the first time, and I had to remind myself to calm down. I couldn't scare him away.

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