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I do not own Attack On Titan or any of its characters. All copyright belongs to their rightful owners.

Special thanks to JuliaVeronik8 for the wonderful cover. Seriously the real MVP right there! Check out her work cuz it's like fine wine except for art XD

This is written in response to the third #PTR Writing Challenge from In_Hind_Sight .

PTR stands for Prompt Trade Revolution where we each trade a writing prompt and receive a few weeks to finish writing a one-shot within a certain amount of words. These are just meant to be short little one-shots hopefully we can all enjoy.

This time around, we've paralleled it with Valentine's Day. With love in the air, it's only fair that we take this time to give you a little journey.

Before we begin, I'd like to make this clear. I've taken a modern turn on this one where Levi is Eren's foster father. This is NOT a shipfic. Rather, this is a story written to bring out a different kind of love, the bond that comes between father and son, love between family. Please understand, I don't condemn for pedophilia or anything of the sort.

I also must apologize for being late though. School is being rough. I have to write like 13 essays over the next five weeks now and four presentations. Combine that with work and paying the bills on time, mental/physical stability, family standings, and trying to vouch for custody of my cat against my mom, it's a mess.

While I wanted to post on Valentine's, that didn't happen xD Sorry guys... It's, um, March. Hah. Hahahaha... Please don't kill me.

Anyway, I hope you guys vote and comment because I'd love to know what you think ^^

Prompt: Who loves the other more?

Word Limit: 2000+ words

Date Started: 02.12.2018

Date Posted: 03.03.2018

Love You More (Levi/Eren One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now