Chapter 1

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I woke up with my head hurting. I was in my room. That was weird, wasn't I in an abandoned prison last night? Anyway, I got up and brushed my teeth and brushed my hair. I needed to go to school today. 

I walked onto campus and got many stares. Why was everyone staring at me? My shoes were on the right foot, my pants were on correctly, my shirt was on fine. What was it? I walked into the bathroom and a girl looked at me and scoffed. She headed off. Bitch. I looked in the mirror and saw that I looked fine. 

I walked into my class and took out my books. I was getting my criminal justice degree. I was getting weird looks from my classmates. 

"What are you guys staring at? Mind your own business!" I yelled. They all returned back to their books. When the professor walked in he started muttering about his commute and how he hated the train and cursed his ex-wife for taking their car. He stopped when he put his stuff down and his eyes fell on me. I shrunk back into my seat and ignored the stares I got while writing down notes. 

The bell rang and I needed to get to my next class when my professor called me over.

"Yes Mr. James?" I responded.

"Why are you wearing that god awful makeup? Take it off!" he scolded. What makeup?

"Mr. James I do not wear makeup. Is there something wrong with my face?" I asked getting worried.

"Well if it's not makeup do something about it! Those dark circles all around your eyes make you look like a raccoon! And your heavy eye bags aren't helping either! Now, get out of my room!" he shooed.

Dark circles? Eye bags? Is that why I was getting weird stares?

The stares continued all throughout the day. I couldn't see them though. It wasn't until my last class of the day when the librarian, Betty, came up to me.

"You were at the abandoned Oasis Hills prison weren't you?" she guessed.

"What? No, I was uh you know, partying." I lied trying to make it sound convincing.

"I'm not stupid hon, you went and now you're marked. You're only going to make him finding you easier." she said with a sigh. Marked? What mark? Who? Who is going to find me? Before I could ask any questions, I was knocked out cold.

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