Chapter 2

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I woke up in an uncomfortable bed. My bed is not uncomfortable. I sit up and realize that I am not in my room. I am in what looks like a prison cell. Except it's a little better. I still have an uncomfortable twin bed but next to it is a wooden desk with a wooden chair. There's a small wardrobe in the corner. On one wall was a picture of the Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. Light peeked through the small window. Where was I?

The door opened and it made me jump.

"Good, you're awake." said the person who opened the door. She had red lipstick and was holding a cigarette. She wore a blue dress and a white lab coat with black heels. A pearl necklace decorated her neck. She had red hair and it was up in a bun. Her face had wrinkles. She reminded me of a mother in a show I used to watch when I was a kid.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Oasis Hills Asylum." she responded looking bored.

"Wha-what? Why am I here? I'm-I'm not insane?" I asked, thousand more questions coming into my head.

"Listen hon, you're here because people think you are. Now, I'm going to do something if you don't mind."

Oasis Hills Asylum. Something happened to me when I went to the prison. Something definitely possessed me. I sarcastically thought. I laughed at that thought. 

"No Ms. Tyler... You're thoughts are very correct!"  hissed a voice. I jumped. The woman looked bored. Did she hear it? That voice was the same one I heard in the prison! What is happening to me?

"Great hon, you've managed to anger him." she sighs. She pulls a cross out of her pocket. 

"Protinus hinc vas praecipio spiritibus inferni. Protinus hinc vas praecipio spiritibus inferni. Protinus hinc vas praecipio spiritibus inferni!"  she chanted. I suddenly had no control over my body. I was in agony. I was lifted up from the ground, my bones were cracking. I screamed in pain.

My arm was bent in places it shouldn't. My legs were moving oddly like in only intimate ways. But the weirdest thing of all was the voice that came from my own mouth.

I opened my mouth but my voice didn't come out. Instead, a deep low chuckle came, "Your efforts to save this girl are valiant but futile." It said. "You're too late, she's already as good as dead, and soon, my minions will collect me and I shall dispose of this worthless body and come to my true form! I AM URAKON!!"

The woman looked confused. She pulled a bottle of water? Out of her pocket. She poured it over me.

"Leave this vessel at once and go back to the hell you came from and leave us alone!" she demanded.

Urakon only laughed once more only this time it was more of a cackle that a chuckle.

"I shall feed on your flesh and bathe in the rivers of your blood. I will kill everyone that you love, what was your son's name again? Josh?" Urakon taunted. My face was turning red from all of the pain. Tears were streaming from my eyes.

"Lumen dei removere fuerit vobis. Ex hoc ego eieci de hoc mundo!" the woman shouted. The voice inside me only rumbled with laughter.

"You can't stop me mortal, I cannot be killed, for I live forever!" it laughed. The woman looked as if she was out of options which I prayed she was not. Oh god, I hope all this praying will make this demon want to leave me. 

Shouting was heard from the hallway. I gained control of my body and I fell to the ground landing on my bottom with a thump. The woman looked to the voices and handed me a card.

"I'll be back." she promised. Then she vanished as if she was never here. I turned over the card. It only said one thing.

Vicky King. 

I used google translate for the exorcism words.

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