Chapter 10 - Training

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As promised the next chapter that I have just finished writing. Enjoy:) x

At ten, as promised, I head to the meeting room to see Effie. She is waiting, looking at her clipboard and checking her watch. As I walk in, she looks up from her notes. “Ahh, Peeta. It’s good to see you’re so eager!” I just nod and take a seat on the purple couch. “I wonder where Katniss has gotten to?” With that, she walks into the room lazily. “Hello Katniss. All ready to go?” She nods. Effie sighs. As I stand up, Katniss walks over to the other side of the room. “Can’t you two just try to get along for once? Please?” says Effie. 

“Yes Effie. Sure. I’ll try.” I smile. Katniss smiles aswell. It’s a start at least.

“Alrighty then,” says Effie, cheering up almost immediately. “Today is going to be another big, big, big day! I want you to work exceptionally hard in your training sessions. Give it your best shot!” At this point, we are walking towards the elevator. “Ok, in we go!” she says pushing us inside, punching the buttons. We descend and then we are thrown out, and it shoots back up again. 

We step out into an enormous gym area that is filled with an array of weapons as far as I can see. Even though it has gone ten, most of the tributes have gathered in a large circle. They all stare at us as we walk in. Some even glare. Nervously, Katniss and I stand on the edge of the circle, until the head trainer comes from a side room and Effie waves goodbye. “Ok, can you all gather around me?” We do as she asks. The woman has dark skin and black wavy hair. “Ok everyone, I’m Atla and I’ll be your head trainer. I want you all to try your best and work hard in these sessions.” One tribute from two I think, makes a yawning noise and some others laugh. “Excuse me. I will have no messing in this room.” says Atla sternly. “Got it?” He nods. All of the other tributes look strong and muscular. “Moving on. As you can see, there are experts at each section. I want you to try out a variety of different skills. I’d suggest what you’re not good at to work on.’ The boy from two interrupts. “So you’re basically saying practice makes perfect? Because d’ you know what? It doesn’t. There is only one winner of this game. If you fail spearing that tribute, then you might as well die. Know what I’m saying?” Atla is angry.

“Well I’ll have you know that I DO NOT tolerate interruptions of any kind. And I don’t want you telling me what to do. Ok?” He just nods. “I said ok?”

“Yes, yes, ok!” he says.

“What’s your name?” she says.

“Cato. With a ‘C’ not a ‘K’. Just one thing. Have you ever been in the Games?”

“I said no more interruptions.” she says, growing angry.

“It was a question! Wow, these Capitol people are a bunch of tossers!” he says to the others. They laugh. “Well excuse me. I’ll have you know that I was born and raised in nine. My baby girl won this six years ago.” This shuts him up. I remember those Games six years ago. A fourteen year old called Ray. She was a fighter. “Ok enough of the questions. So to the right is shooting with a bow and arrow. Going clockwise: guns, disguise, knots, snares, throwing, food survival and hand to hand combat. Off you go. And remember to focus.

The group splits, and all eyes are on us. Eyeing up the competition I suppose. The Careers head over to the spears and show off by throwing them across the gym, aiming for the targets. Others just watch on, too scared to even step into their territory. We awkwardly stand by the knot tying station where a little, grey old man with a beard is reading a book. “How about we tie some knots?” says Katniss. At least she’s talking to me. 

“Yeah, why not.” I say. The instructor seems happy to have some visitors. I get the impression that knot tying isn’t the favourite. He gets us learning how to tie a deadly knot that will leave your victim dangling from a tree, by one leg. We do this for one hour and we have both learned a variety of knots. “Camouflage next if you want?” I say to Katniss.

“Hmmm,” she says quietly. I lead her over to the station where a tattooed lady is sloshing some paint around in a tub. “Oh hello!” she says to us. “We’re going to be disguising ourselves as trees- try to blend in with the forest family!” Katniss raises an eyebrow. Obviously she isn’t as interested as I am. I swish some mud, and berry juice into a pot and swirl it over my skin in intricate lines and patterns. Then I use the leaves that are scattered on the floor to weave into my hair. “Wow. You’re really good!” says Katniss. I just shrug. 

“The cakes in the bakery. I decorate them.”

“Oh that’s cool. They’re beautiful.” she sighs and holds out her arm. I paint a vine of flowers snaking up her arm and shades of blue and green weave in. My two favourite colours. Blue and green. Blue reminds me of the swirling ocean and high tide and golden sandy beaches. And green. It reminds me of the soft, luscious grass, in the meadow and the new trees of Spring. She looks the most relaxed I’ve ever seen her until Atla calls for lunch and the moment is lost. 

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