Chapter 8 - Breakfast

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Dawn breaks through the crack in the window. Haymitch said we had to be a breakfast for eight thirty- it’s only just gone six. I turn on the massive television and flick through the hundreds of channel. On channel six there is a brightly lit studio and a kooky presenter. “Welcome back everybody to the final of Capitol’s Next Top Model. The results are in!” There are two nervous looking women standing side by side on a purple stage, while an audience watch on. Kooky Woman starts talking again. “The winner is... Silver Wellwood!” There are woops and cheers from the audience as ‘Silver’ steps forwards. Ironically, there isn’t a spec of silver in sight. The other lady who is called Valerie shouts out loud and makes a dramatic exit from the stage, stomping as she goes. That program goes off and I go to channel forty five. The Capitol newsroom. “Hello everybody and welcome to Capitol Breakfast News. We all know that the Hunger Games are upon on, so where are the best places to watch it? Here is our chief reporter Axa.” I turn that off as well and settle for a news show that isn’t talking about the Hunger Games. I watch it for a while and then go for a shower. Today, I choose a soap that smells like strawberries. Don’t ask. I like that smell. When I get back to my room, I notice that my training uniform has appeared on my bed. It’s plain and simple. Black top and trousers with red piping around the edges. Black boots. I head out of my room to find Katniss walking towards me. “Hello.” she says. 

“Morning.” I reply. 

When we get to the dining room, there is an Avox waiting near a counter. Katniss asks can we serve ourselves and he nods towards the plates and bowls. I choose some eggs and bacon, and help myself to some pieces of toast. Effie bustles into room, in her usual fussy manner. She takes some fruit and hot porridge with honey. “Today is going to be a very busy day you two. I want work, work, work. Focus yourselves.” The training will consist of three solid days of practicing skills and techniques. On the final afternoon, we will perform for the Gamemakers- in private. Haymitch hasn’t talked for the duration of the meal and is drinking some fruit juice. It’s good to see that he is making an effort at sobering up. “Alright. Do you want to be coached separately or together?”

“Why would we want that?” Katniss says.

“Incase you have a secret talent sweetheart.” he says mockingly. “What can you do? I know you can throw a knife or two.”

“Yes. She can. But she can also shoot with a bow and arrow.” I say.

“Oh really.” says Haymitch, raising an eyebrow. “How good are you?”

“Not ve...”

“She’s the best.” I say defensively. “Can shoot deer if she’s lucky.”

“Peeta. What are doing?” she says angrily.

“You can though. Never underestimate yourself Katniss.”

“I don’t. And what can you do?” she snaps.

“Nothing really. Make bread?” I say.

“Oh, so you don’t count lifting those huge sacks of flour in the market? Or carrying those boxes of cakes to the square? Or, wait a minute. Did you know he can wrestle?” she smirks.

“Yeah. I won one competition two years ago. Big deal. It’s not like putting food on the table Katniss.”

“Well at least you'll stand a chance if some huge tree guy hurls himself at you.”

“You won’t have to. You’ll be living a life of luxury in some tree eating some fancy animal on a bed of leaves and spying on the others.” She crosses her arms and pushes her plate away. “You know Katniss. My mother said that twelve could finally have another victor. And she meant you. Not me. Think about that.” She can survive. She can hunt. She can disguise herself in some tree curled up in a sleeping bag eating roasted squirrel with an open campfire. She has no idea. I get up to leave the table. “Hang on Peeta.” says Haymitch. “These sessions count. Learn some snares, tie some knots, handle some weapons, throw some spears, make a net. You hear me?” We both nod. “Oh, and stick together. I want you shown as a team. Ok? Teeeeeeaam.” Katniss tries to object and we both go to our rooms, promising to meet Effie at ten for training. “Katniss?” I call. I hear the slam of her door.

The Boy With The Bread- By PeetaWhere stories live. Discover now