Chapter 11 - Oh Katniss...

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On the second day, whilst we are throwing spears at the targets, I notice that the girl from district eleven is watching Katniss. I think nothing of it and go back to getting my weapon ready. Katniss throws the spear at the furthest target and sure enough, it hits it. She looks pleased and walks back over to the stand, a big smile on her face. "You hit it." I say. "Want a competition?" She shrugs.

"Okay! If you do." I notice that the girl is still watching her, and I nudge her gently.

"Umm, Katniss?" She turns to face me. "I think we have a shadow." The girl looks about eleven or twelve and has brown skin and dark brown eyes. She looks to be the smallest compared to every other tribute in the Games. Katniss looks at the girl for a moment and then I see her eyes mist over, as if she is thinking about something. "You're up Katniss," I say gently.

"For what?" she says dreamily.

"The competition. Throwing a spear at the target?" I say, a little confused.

"Oh, I don't feel too good," she says hazily and has to sit down on the bench.

"Katniss, what's wrong?" I ask calmly.

"She reminds me of Prim, and home. What's her name?"

"Rue, I think." Katniss nods, and I realize that Rue and Prim are alike in some ways. Their staure and the way they behave is similar. Rue stands on her tiptoes and gracefully throws her arms behind her, and she reminds me of a dancer of some kind.

It's hard to ignore Rue, as she silently follows us around from station to station. She is our shadow, but I don't really mind having her around. It's someone new at least. I find out that she and Katniss are both clever with plants, and she excelled when we were at the climbing station. She is also good with her slingshot, which she tells me she made herself back in District eleven. I just sigh. What good is an eleven year old with a slingshot against a sixteen year old Career with a sword and a bow?

Every time we have breakfast and dinner, Effie and Haymitch always bombard us with a thousand questions about our training. Today is no different. When we sit down for dinner, Katniss and I are metilously questioned about every bit of the day."What did you do today?" quizzes Haymitch, raising an eyebrow. I am getting rather frustrated at this daily ordeal. "Umm, we did some spear throwing, shooting, climbing, and foods in the forest."

"Pa!" Haymitch splutters. "Foods in the forest! Pathetic! Okay, who watched you?" Katniss replies this time, as exasperated as I feel. "The head trainer Atla, and some of the Gamemakers."

"Who exactly?" Haymitch says suspiciously.

"Oh Haymitch, I don't know! Some Gamemakers and we don't know who they were!" Katniss says angrily.

"Ok, ok! I only asked, don't get so touchy sweetheart!" he patronizes. If looks could kill, Haymitch would be dead. Effie is just sitting there, smiling throughout the midst of this ordeal. After that Effie decides to interrupt. "Okay you two, off to bed. I think that's enough for one day." I pull out my chair and walk down the corridor with Katniss. "I wish Haymitch would just get himself a drink!" I say. "I think he has gone too strict on us, now that he's sobered up!" Katniss looks at me and laughs, and then her face takes an utter blank expression. "Peeta, I don't think we should you know... talk and stuff, when there's no one around." she mutters.

Well that was unexpected! I thought were getting along just fine. I mean, we were good in training and have been joking around about Haymitch and Effie quizzing us. Why can't she just be friendly and see a little sense? I'm tired, and fed up of everything. Of Haymitch moaning and criticizing, and being sized up by the Careers in training. I want to go home. I'm confused to what I feel about Katniss now, yet I want her to know what I feel, but there's no way I can tell her now.

On the final day of training, we are called for our private session with the Gamemakers. One by one, the lunch hall empties out and just Katniss and I are the only ones that remain. As they call for me, Katniss grasps my arm. "Good luck Peeta. Show them just what you can do." She smiles at me faintly. I nod and return it, despite the official getting frustrated and angry. "Come on District 12 boy, you're up now." Katniss grins and then I am swept away from everything and am about to be scrutinized. As I step out into the vast gym, a feeling of dread sets inside of me. What if I mess this up? What if I let everyone down? I need to show Effie and Haymitch that I can do it. I mean, I'm good when throwing things, even better at lifting weights, so why not?

I'm in my training uniform: black pants with grey and red streaks, and a matching top. Unfortunately, our stylists have given Katniss and I the same outfit. Talk about creating an impression. I pull my regulated boots tight, and walk towards the Gamemakers. Everyone wears the same boots in training. Strong and sturdy. I will show them just exactly what I can do when I am armed with weights. The Head Gamemaker, is sitting in a very grand chair on a raised platform, laughing with the others. They sip their wine, and occasionally take a handful of the wonderful selection of food that is on offer. I stand awkwardly in the centre of the space, not knowing what to do. A young man looks up from writing notes in a thick book. Every person turns and looks at me. The silence is unbearable. You could hear a pin drop. "Ah ." says the young man, finally breaking the silence."You must be District 12. Peeta Mellark?"

"Umm, yes. That's right. Peeta it is."

"Very well. I'd like to take the time to let you know that you may show us your best strengths. What will you be demonstrating for us today? I hear your father has a bakery back in the district?" Back in the district. Wow. They really do know how to make us feel guilty for being here. "Yes. He does." I reply sharply. "And today I will be demonstrating my physical strength." The guy with the pen is writing at lightning speed. "Okay. Let's get started."

I walk over to the weapon store, and carefully choose a heavy weight. It's gunmetal colour and ideal for this. I pick it up and carry it back over to the centre of the gym and poise, ready for aim. Slowly, I take back my arm and get into position, the weight at my feet. I shut my left eye and take in the line of targets ahead. One that is quite near. I'd take it out easily. Then, a middle distanced one that looks just right. There is another one that is quite far way, but I might have a go at that one a bot later. I decide to go for the middle one, its close enough at least. I throw myself into the launch and the target is struck. That was a perfect aim. The Gamemakers create a big deal, fussing around and fumbling for their perfectly sharpened pencils. A woman dressed in black looks up from her clipboard and gives a willing look. I ready myself for another shot, this time feeling confident enough to try the furthest one. I lunge into position and then, BAM! I actually hit it! There is a round of applause and then I am dismissed from the hall.

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