Chapter 1

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Third Person POV

The rangers were waking through town when they saw a girl setting up her guitar. Brody, Preston, and Calvin stopped to stare.

"I wouldn't step your hopes so high guys." Levi said
"Yeah for all we know she could be a creep." Sarah continued
"Then it would be Jess all over again." Hayley concluded.

The guys went back to walking. Calvin was a little behind thinking about the girl. She didn't seem evil to him. That's when someone bumped into him.

"Oh my gosh I am so sorry." The girl from earlier apologized
"Nah it's cool. Are you okay though? you seem to be in a rush." He asked her
"Yeah it's just these really weird and creepy guys keep following me. One has been trying to ask me out all day and I keep rejecting him. But seriously does this guy have a life?" She said as Victor came rushing over. "Speaking of the devil." She whispered so only her and Calvin could hear.
"Girl why would you hang out with this scum bag?" He asked her shooing Calvin away.
"Look I don't like you. And let's be real it's never gonna happen. So go find someone else to bother." The girl said flipping Victor off.

Victor stormed off very pissed off.

"Wow." Calvin said
"Yeah." She said
"I'm Calvin."
"Skylar, but people call me Sky." She said with a smile.
"Oh shoot." Calvin said, rubbing his forehead.
"What's wrong?" She asked
"I was supposed to be with my friends at this new restaurant place."
"Oh I know what you're talking about. I was heading over there. Come on I'll take you there." She said.

They walked to the restaurant where Calvin spotted the other rangers.

"I have to go now. it was really nice meeting you." Calvin said with a smile
"It was nice meeting you too." She replied, smiling back.

Calvin's POV

"Dude, what are you doing? You can't be talking to her. She could be a monster or monsters could take her as a prisoner." Brody explained.
"Come on guys. It's not like we'll see each other again." I tell them once I sat down. Anyway let's order.

Protecting the Earth (Megaforce/Ninja Steel)  *CALVIN FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now