- Part 1 -

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~-~-~-~Chapter 1~-~-~-~

"Brinley, dinner's ready!" Mom said from the kitchen as I came down the stairs. I paused to take in the sight of Mom, her hair up, an apron on, pulling plates out of the cupboard. It was sad to think of how much she'd changed in the last half-decade.

"Sorry, Mom, I have to be at work in ten minutes. I'll eat something when I get home." I grabbed my bag and old leather jacket, giving mom a peck on the cheek before heading out the door.

I turned the key and the engine of my matte black 1969 Camaro turned over. The car was the only thing my dad had to leave me when he died. That gorgeous hunk of metal meant the world to me. Mom and I moved to Oklahoma in 2010, a neighborhood called Oasis Planes. Mom tried her best to hide us from the literal monsters in our past and it had worked, until recently. I drove the usual 30 minutes to the bar in 10, barely getting there on time. A few familiar faces stared at me from the confines of some missing posters that weren't there on Friday.

Three people had gone missing from town in the last week. I talked to Mom about it but she passed it off as nothing, telling me I worried too much. As I walked through the back door to the bar I grabbed my apron, tying it securely around my waist. The only people here were my coworkers and a few regulars.

"Hey, Brinley!" one of the patrons hollered at me, his weathered hand clasped around a raised mug of beer.

"Hello, Rodney." I laughed as I grabbed some quarters from the tip jar and went to play something on the jukebox.

Most of the customers tended to show up around eight which meant I had nearly an hour to kill. I played the Back in Black album and walked around, washing tables and sweeping the floor. By the time the last song faded out there were cars pulling into the parking lot. As per usual, the college kids played pool while the old-timers shared stories; I walked around handing out beers and burgers. I was going to the bar to grab some more beer when a couple of guys in suits walked through the door. One was tall, at least six foot four, he walked straight to the bar, he was here for a reason and he was doing nothing to hide it. The other man was a couple inches shorter and sauntered across the floor, looking around the room, and shamelessly checking out one of the other waitresses. I felt excitement and embarrassment fight for control as I realized it was the Winchester boys.

"Hi, are you Brinley Denton?" said Dean, the shorter of the two, but he was still much taller than my 5'5" frame. His voice was rough but confident.

"Yeah, that's me," I said, smiling a bit.

"Agents Vedder and McCready of the FBI," They both flashed badges. I saw that there were two letters mixed in at the end of the I.D. number, they were fakes.

"Right, um, can we talk in the back?" I asked, wanting to get out of sight of the customers.

"Of course," Sam said, flashing a smile, I gave a knowing one in return.

"Really guys, Eddie Vedder and Mike McCready? You could be more creative than that." I laughed once we were in the comfortable solitude of the back room "Sam and Dean, nice to officially meet you two. How's your dad, John, right? He was an old contact of my father's."

"He, uh, he passed," Sam, the tallest in our trio, muttered.

"Oh crap, I'm sorry. He was always really nice to me, always talked about you two." My heart sank a little, knowing what it felt like to lose a father.

"Thank you, we found your mom's contact information in our dad's journal after we heard about the missing people. She told us to go find you. We thought we'd swing by and offer some help if you need it." Sam offered.

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