- Part 2 -

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~-~-~-~Chapter 2~-~-~-~

I was stuck in my own head, I was sure of that much. I saw an old cabin, the windows broken out completely. Oh no, not this night. No, please don't make me go through this again. This was the night my dad died.

I was crouched behind a moss covered and decrepit truck, a machete gripped tight in my hand. My dad was across the wide dirt driveway, the light from the bright moon reflecting off his own blade. I watched him closely as he poked his head out from around a bush, watching for movement inside the cabin. He signaled me to the door as he crept forward. I approached at a practiced jogging crouch, making it across the moist dirt without a noise. My dad nodded at me and I did the same back to him, tightening my grip on the handle of my weapon. My dad kicked open the cabin door and we both rushed in.

What I saw in front of me could've made grown men piss themselves. I saw a room with eight vampires, all looking at us. Without hesitation, I charged in, beheading two of them before going for the leader. She was just a small brunette, but she was fast. I brought my arm back, swinging hard. She caught my hand and pulled it behind my back, throwing me against the wall where I fell to the ground. The brunette aimed a kick at me that I didn't quite dodge; I felt the air leave my lungs. My dad yelled for them to leave me alone but other vampires were already trying to take him down. I saw black spots as the brunette vampire dragged me to my feet by my hair. I started into her silvery eyes defiantly and she brought her elbow up and it connected with my mouth; I sent blood spraying all over her face. She tossed me toward the wall again, my head bounced off the ground and I was out.

When I woke up I saw my dad tied to a chair across from me where I lay on the floor. My eyes slowly adjusted to the little light that had successfully fought its way through the grimy window in the corner. I pushed myself into a sitting position, trying not to make a sound despite the fact that the room was spinning. I hurried over to my dad, attempting to untie him but my cold hands wouldn't stop shaking. Both mine and my dad's heads snapped up when we heard the deadbolt slide open. Three vampires, including the leader, strolled into the room, assessing the scene before them.

"Looks like sleeping beauty finally woke up." Spat the brunette, a smirk on her lips. "You hold her, don't let her go anywhere." she shot at one of the other, much bigger, vampires.

There wasn't much I could do to keep him from grabbing me. He threw a strong arm around my waist, lifting me and carrying me away from my dad despite my struggles. He stood in the corner of the room, barely allowing me to move. I refused to let any tears fall as I watched the brunette approach my dad. She didn't say a word but looked me in the eye before she sank her teeth into my dad's throat. It didn't take me long to realize she wasn't going to leave him alive. She didn't plan to come back for more later.

"No, no please stop! Please..." I was shamelessly begging for my dad's life, knowing it wouldn't work.

"No, because as long as he's alive, you'll keep fighting me. We don't want that, do we?" There was no emotion in her voice. No regret, no anger, just nothing.

Once she had finished with my dad, she dragged away his body and left me there, alone. I was in that room for a full day before she came back. She was alone. She had come in to feed. I tried to fight her off, which was really useless with how weak I was. I had passed out while she was draining me and when I came round the room was empty again. I flinched at the sound of the door opening, thinking she was back to finish what she had started.

What happened next was harder to remember, given the fact that I had suffered blood loss. My mom walked through the door and carried me out of that house. She took me to the hospital, waited until I was settled then left to give my dad a hunter's funeral. She burned his body to ash.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2018 ⏰

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