Chapter 2

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(Cameron's POV)

After she fell asleep I placed her on my bed to rest. It took me by surprise that she would cut herself. I don't even know why we bullied her. After thinking for while I decided to group message the guys. I will tell them we need to meet up tonight.


S= Shawn

T= Taylor

Jj= Jack J

Jg= Jack G

N= Nash

Ca= Carter

M= Matthew

A= Aaron

H= Hayes but he doesn't bully her*

(Group message)

C- we need to talk meet me at my house


Ca- on my way

A- k

S- i'll be there

M- whatever

Jj- kk

Jg- almost to your house

T- I guess I'm there to

H- I'm with Nash so we'll be there

(End of conversation)

While waiting I couldn't help but stare at her. She is so beautiful even with her battle scars. One by one the guy showed. I made everyone stay downstairs and away from Braylee. They all wanted to know why I needed them so bad. Instead of hiding behind what I needed to say I just straight out says it.

"We have to stop bullying Braylee."

All in unison they ask, "Why."

I didn't say why, I thought they should see for themselves. I leave walking to my room knowing they would slowly follow. I open my door giving them free will to enter. Standing I motioned them into my room they all had looks of confusion at me. I sit on the bed as I took Braylee's arm ever so gently and showed them her cuts. All there reaction was the same as mine. Hayes's reaction is we got me he just stood there crying in shock.

"Why," Hayes ask but no one answered.

"Why," he yelled waking her up.

(Hayes's POV)

I was riding home after football practice with Nash. When me and him received a group message from Cameron. He want us to meet him at his house and he would explain everything when we got there.

Nash and I had a arrived a couple of minutes later. We all stood around just waiting to here what he had to tell us. Then in one quick second he blurts out, " We have to stop bullying Braylee."

I'm just confused and curious as to what he is talking about. Without any other words he heads towards the stair case pacing up them. We all follow in his foot steps leading us to his bedroom door.

Everyone entered the room me being the last. Cameron walked over to who I'm guessing was Braylee. She was laying asleep peacefully on the bed. He takes her arm in his hand showing us her scars from cutting. I didn't understanding what was happening or why she had them. I could help but cry as I looked at her.

"Why," I ask but no answers

"Why," I yelled this time.

Telling as loud as I did I woke up the poor girl from her slumber. Just the look on her dace showed terror. I could take it any longer I ran out the room. Opening the front door I slam it shut behind me. 

(A/N Short chapter... I will probably update tomorrow)

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