Chapter 9

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(Braylee's POV)

It all happened so fast. It went from me and Jacob arguing to kissing then to Cameron punching Jacob down. I just kinda just stood there for a few seconds processing everything into my mind. With one swift moment I slap Cameron.

"What the fuck was that for," Cameron hissed.

"That was for punching Jacob... Why did you punch him anyway," I questioned.

"Cause he kissed you," he says in a irate tone.

"And so what its not like were dating or anything," I say.

By now I was pissed and yelling at Cameron's stupid action. Were not even dating so I really don't see why he is getting so pissed off about one little kiss. I really couldn't take all this shit happening all at once. I HAD to get out of here and get some time to my self for a couple of hours.

(Dillon's POV)

Me and the guy were guy sitting in the room when Cameron hot up to go check on Braylee. Moments later all we hear is a loud sound then a bunch of yell starts up.

Within minutes were all up and on are feet heading out to the hall. We see an unconscious Jacob laying next to Cameron's feet and Braylee walking past us with the most worse pissed off face ever.

"What the fuck happened," we all ask unison.

He didn't say a word just walked by heading straight in the direction where Braylee was before. We take are focus off Cameron and point it towards Jacob. Walking up to him you could clearly see the swilling in his face. Had that been the loud sound? Did Cameron do this to him. Many questions were left in our minds.

(Cameron's POV)

After the little argument me and Braylee had she just walks away without question. I watch as she walks away then my eyes land on the guys. I didn't even give them a explanation to all this I just left to find where she went.

All this walking led me enough time to think about all the events that have happened tonight. I really don't know why Braylee would let Jacob kiss her. I mean I thought me and her had something special together, but I guess not.

After what seemed like for ever I finally stumbled upon a park. There on a far bench sat Braylee. She was faced away from the road so I took that as my chance to go and talk to her.

I silently make my way over to her. Placing a hand in her shoulder I earn a startled jump. She turns starring at me. "Leave me alone," she says ever so softly. It kinda hurt wait what am I saying it did hurt that she didn't want to see me. Even after she said that I still stood my place.

"I said leave me alone," she states.

"No I'm not going anywhere," I say without opinion.

"Why can't you get it through your head that I don't want to see you and I just want you to stay the hell out of my life."

No that note she stands pushing me out of her way.

"Where are you going," I ask.

Turning around she yells at me, "Somewhere your not."

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