how to raise a women from hate .
1. be a sexist mom who'll always be there for the son .. but not for the daughter who stays by her side , never say 'well done' to your daughter when she achieve something to make you proud.
2. be an ignorant and forgetful father .
3. be a critical and uncaring brother who always thinks the world starts and ends with him , everything is about him .
they have their good sides . i bet .
they're not all bad .
i grew up being jelous of my brother for whatever i am not .
i never took people kindness for granted , because that way i feel loved .
i'm closed to my one cousin for maybe she filled something hollow inside me for a moment ..
i promise myself ..long ago .
one day i'll leave .. and i wont look back .. i am not coming back .
i realized that now .
i was never home .