1 || Daniel X Reader

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Trigger Warning I guess?
I don't have all of the story quite planned out yet, but this is probably gonna be angsty and quite dark. There's also gonna be mentions of death, because of the whole cult and sacrifice thing. If you're sensitive to that, I would advise you not to read :O Your mental health is much more important than any vote or read!


I flinched as I woke up, startled by the thunder that seemed like the sky was about crash down onto my roof. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room, the only light source being the moonlight shining through the slits of the blinds on the window. Now silhouettes became more clear and I glanced next to me. The spot where my boyfriend used to lay was empty. "Daniel?" I called for him sleepily, confused as to where he could be. No response. Once again I inspected the pitch black silhouettes until I could make out his. He was sitting by the window, spreading two of the bars in the blinds apart to be able to look out. "Daniel?" I repeated and carefully pulled away the cover to stand up. My feet touched the cold ground, which made me flinch again. It was cold in our room. The bed was the only source of warmth, which made me even more concerned of him. Why would he voluntarily sit in the cold? Slowly I walked towards him and gently laid one hand on his shoulder. Startled, he jerked to the side. "(Y/N)!" he gasped and calmed down. "You startled me." I nodded, embracing him over his shoulders. "I'm sorry" I whispered and buried my face in his neck. For a few seconds, we both just stayed quiet and looked out the window, listening to the calming sound of raindrops knocking quietly on the glass. "The dreams again?" I asked worriedly and ran my fingers through his ash blonde hair. He nodded and took my other hand, softly stroking it with his thumb. Once again I pull him into my embrace. "It's okay" I whispered, trying to calm him down. Daniel shakes his head. "It's not, though" he stated and my face sunk. 
"I know" I admitted. "I know it's hard to let go, Daniel, but-"
"Why are you with me, (Y/N)?" His voice got cold, but louder, as if he was mad. I should have at least twitched a little out of surprise, but I knew that would happen. 
"You know you can always vent, Daniel" I offered and stepped in front of him to look him into his eyes. Although it was dark, I could swear I saw the icy blue color in them. That kind of blue I could lose myself in every single time. He stood up and I fell back a little. "How do you forgive me, (Y/N)? How do I deserve that?" he asked his hands balled into fists, shaking. I pushed myself off the cold floor and stood up. I knew this look on his face. The regret. My stomach felt like it was shriveling up, but I knew I had to say something. "You're not the same person anymore, Daniel" I tried to explain, but he immediately looked away. I could swear I've just seen some tears forming in his eyes, glistening in the moonlight. 
"But does it change what I did, (Y/N)?" he sobbed quitely and turned around again to look me in the eyes. "I killed people. I killed people and enjoyed it." The sound of his voice broke my heart. "You weren't yourself, Daniel" I tried to calm him down. "You were brainwashed by people with much more power than you." I reached for his hand, which he contemplated pulling away, but he didn't. My eyes locked onto his and I smiled sweetly. "I still love you, Daniel." I reassured him and the tears that were still dwelling in the corners of his eyes finally started to roll down his cheek. "You shouldn't, (Y/N). Why should you love me, I don't deserve that." 
Sighing, I pulled him close to me and hugged him tightly. "Have I told you I love the way you say my name?" I asked and he just let out a confused hum. "You're so gentle, Daniel. You say my name with such caution, as if you're afraid I'd break from even that. You are so loving." Saying that, I felt his arms embracing me, too. 
"I really do love you, (Y/N)."
I nodded. "That's all that matters to me. I trust you."
Hugging you even tighter, to the point I couldn't even breathe properly, he now sobbed louder and more consistently. Crying on my shoulder, he stood there with me for several minutes. "Wanna go back to sleep?" I asked and he just nodded, wiping the rest of the tears from his blue eyes.

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