Chapter 16

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I sat down next to him on my couch. Lina had already rushed back into her room, giving Archer and I space. I didn't know if that was a good thing though because heat pours into my veins, my body remembering his. My body reacting to his.  

"So," He started off, and I fiddle with my fingers as nervousness ate me up. "Before I start, I wanna make sure you're okay." He shifts on the couch, eyes finding mine.

"I'm fine," I breathe out a sigh, trying to forget whatever the heck just happened moments ago. "Mr Kane," I start but he stops me.

"I think you can call me, Archer." He tells me and I'm instantly brought back to last night and how his name was the only thing I could say.

"Alright, Archer." Before my mouth could check with my brain, I blurted, "I like you." and I froze with regret because I hadn't planned on being this direct, but his reaction made me feel otherwise.

His cheeks turning into a rosy colour as his lips stretched into a wide smile. "Damn, I wanted to be the first one to say it." He bit his lips, trying to contain his laughter.

I felt my heart flutter and a wave of tranquillity rush over me. "But," I quickly say. "This is wrong." I shook my head and he nodded.

"Which is why we're going to keep this a secret. Great, good talk." He tapped my thigh lightly before getting up.

"Wait, what?" My brows furrowed as I trailed behind him.

"I'll see you in class tomorrow." He leaned in swiftly and without giving me a chance to react, he gave a quick peck on my lips and rushed out of my apartment, disappearing into his own.

I stood there, wide eyed and frozen as I tried digesting what had just happened. After a few seconds of staring at his closed door, I feel my mouth curl as I smiled widely to myself. I bring the tips of my fingers to my lips, wondering what it was that made it feel all tingly. As though I was some thirteen year old being kissed for the first time.

"Oh my God." I breathed out as I closed the door slowly.

"Oh my God!" Lina echoed but in a more high pitched tone. She rushed to me and started blabbering.

"Lina," I gasp as I squinted and held my ears. She was speaking in a frequency that physically hurt me. She always talked in a super high pitch when she was excited.

She clicked her tongue, smacking my shoulder at my reaction but instantly goes back to shaking me. "Red! Oh my God."

"Did you hear everything?" I asked and she nodded violently.

"Of course I did!"

"So much for giving us our space." I murmured as I moved to the couch.

"How are you so calm right now?" She looked at me, cocking her head to the side as her fingers played with a few strands of her hair.

"I don't know." I shook my head. "I guess my mind still hasn't processed what's going on yet." I rubbed my temples, trying to think. Too much happened today.

"There isn't much to process, you're dating your professor."

"What? We aren't dating." I looked at her.

"Gosh, you're dense." She looked at me with disapproval. "He literally said 'we're keeping this a secret.' What does that sound like to you?"

"I'm dating my professor?" I stare at the floor as my heart started beating out of my chest.

"You're dating your professor!" She yelled as she hit me with a pillow.

"You need to stop that!" I snatched the couch pillow away from her and she pouted.

"H-how can I date my professor? It's only been a few months since I broke up with Luca. Isn't this wrong?" I finally met Lina's gaze.

"If I'm being honest," she settled down, crossing her legs. "This is wrong for many reasons. But don't let that stop you. You like him, he likes you. You don't get that often."

"Hey!" I glared at her, frowning at the subtle insult and she simply chuckled.

"Okay, but seriously. What you guys have is what a lot of people want. Don't lose it." She said and it finally sunk in me.

"But, won't he get in trouble?" I said as I felt worry building up in the pit of my stomach.

"Which is why he said, 'keep it a secret.'" She smirked, tapping my nose with her finger.

"I'm going to bed." I sighed at the playfulness of her tone. I didn't understand how no one else was seeing how much we're risking. My position at the school? His job?

"Hey, we're not done," Lina called from the couch.

"Yes, we are," I yelled back as I closed my bedroom door and slumped onto my bed, face down.

I groaned into my bedsheets, stress nibbling its way into my brain. I couldn't stop thinking about Archer. Or Luca and what the hell he meant.

And then I remember Riley. Maybe it wouldn't hurt having him and Jax up here. I try my luck and dial his number, hoping he was free for a call but it goes straight to voicemail.

"Hey. I'm sorry I couldn't call you yesterday. Things have been sorta crazy around here with Luca. I think I'll have to take you and Jax up on your offer. I'll feel so much better with you guys here and-" The beep cuts me off. Was I that slow a speaker?

Being too exhausted with continuing the message, I threw my phone beside me after sending him my address. It bounces on the mattress a couple of time before resting at the foot of my bed.

I rub the heels of my palms into my eyes, trying to get rid of the tension but nothing works.

How were things going to be in class from now on?

A/N: MY GOSH you guys are honestly the best. Thank you so much for showing this book so much love like, I'm so touched omg. I remember freaking out over 100 reads, but now sksjsksjsk.
Thank you. I love you.

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