일 ~ harassed (jungkook)

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Scenario ~ you (girlfriend) are harassed by your boss or a boss.

Words ~ 1193

Enjoy ☀️

I cover up the last bruise up with make up and brush my hair making it look somewhat presentable, I also straighten out my skirt that just about covers more bruises on my hips and I cringe at the sight of them. I have wanted to tell Jungkook about my boss for a while now but I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

He has just come back from promotions in America and I don't want to put more stress on him. I haven't seen much of him anyway due to BTS' newly found popularity which has meant that he is always out on a busy schedule. Not that I really minded...that much.

My thoughts have been pretty jumpy lately and I just want him to come home for a day to relax but knowing Jungkook he's too dedicated to the point where you physically have to drag him out of practice in order for him to eat something.

I take another look at myself in the mirror from different angles and massage my neck, hoping to stop the aching for a while.

He grabs my hair and harshly pulls it back, making me fall backwards against his chest. His hand snakes around my torso and travels under my waist band.

I snap back into reality and hold the tears back, preventing them from escaping. I place my hands on my desk and breath slowly to get my breathing under control.

I stand upright and pause before grabbing my small bag from my chair in the middle of the room that I sometimes share with Jungkook. I rush out the door towards the BigHit building ready to meet with him and the other members.

I'm met with the familiar sliding glass doors and I enter, bowing slightly to the receptionist and I make my way towards the elevator ready to go up to level three where the practice rooms are.

"(Y/n)!" I hear Jimin say from behind me, I turn around and see his blond-ish hair pop out from from the end of the corridor.

"Hello, you alright?" I ask waving, he walks, or rather skips, towards me and smiles.

"I'm good thanks, are you looking for Jungkook?" He asks while we walk together towards the dance rooms.

"Yeah, is he with everyone else?" I ask.

"Yeah we are all resting right now, Do you know if Jungkook is okay?" He says turning towards me, my eyebrows furrow "He seems... distracted lately" I look at him confused, feeling guilty for not knowing he could be struggling with something.

"Yeah, nobody knows what's up, we have tried to ask him but he just seems to brush everything we say off" he pauses "Maybe you can ask him?"

"Of course, I will try" I say while opening the door, I'm met with a chorus of 'hellos' and I smile in response, walking over to Jungkook.

He gives me a half smile that didn't meet his eyes  and puts his arm loosely around my waist, I look over at Jimin and I see a sad expression reach his face.

The rest of the members were happily chatting away around the room. Here it goes.

I lean onto Jungkook's shoulder and rest there for a minute, he doesn't seem to react so I move around to get comfortable.

"Are you alright?" I whisper close to his ears, I feel him stiffen beneath me but he breathes out and relaxes again.

"Yeah" He replies bluntly. I sit up, turn and face him with a serious look creeping onto my face.

I sigh "I can tell something is up Jungkook, you don't have to hide it from me" I look at the floor "I'm worried about you, that's all"

He removes his hand from my waist and puts it on the white floor. I shuffle awkwardly and wait for his reply. He stays silent.

I manage to catch Jimin's eye and I give him a quick signal to show that things aren't going too well, but he just widens his eyes and shrugs. I roll my eyes without Jungkook's knowledge and look at him, he seems to be forcing himself not to look at me, my eyes wonder around the room as I don't want to be the one to speak first, I'm petty like that.

"Are you cheating on me?" He asks in an annoyed tone, my head whips around and I stare at him in disbelief.

"Of course not, why would you even think that" I ask my voice cracking under pressure. I move closer towards him trying to catch his train of thought, have I said something wrong to make him think that?

"The hickies on your neck" He says moving my hair out of the way "Wow, you even covered them" He scoffs and gets up.

"Jungkook!" I say getting up after him, he storms out of the room without giving a second glance. I immediately follow him out, I see him turn the corner and enter a private singing room.

I push the door open desperately and see him standing there with his back facing me, I walk over hand place my hands on his shoulders but he shakes them off roughly.

"Why did you do it?" He asks turning towards me "Am I not good enough for you?"

"Of course you are good enough for me, too good even" I take a second to breathe "I don't know why you are accusing me of something that I haven't done" I run my hands through my hair "They are bruises not hickies" I say quickly, instantly regretting it.

His facial features soften and he walks slowly towards me "Bruises from what?" He takes in a steady breath "Bruises from who?"

I look away ashamed to meet his eyes, his footsteps came closer towards me and he places his hands on my hips. I cringe and flinch in pain as he puts pressure where the bruises lie.

He notices my discomfort and slowly moves the waist band of my skirt down to reveal multiple blue and purple marks on my skin. I hear him take in a sharp breath and tears start to form, I wipe one away that managed to escape and I feel his eyes on me.

"I-It was my boss, he-" I stop taking to control my breathing and my voice. He engulfs me in a hug and plays with my hair in a soothing manner. I silently cry into his shoulder and tell him everything that my boss did that day. He listens intently and I feel his arms tighten around me when I mention his name.

"I promise that I will help you through everything, if you need someone to talk to that isn't me I will support you through that as well, okay"


Was it okay?

- If you are new to this account please check out my Jin fanfiction hehe -

This took me such a long time so a comment or vote would be really appreciated!

Ali :)

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