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Have fun reading!

"Get away from me!" a brownish-red and white maine coon cat with a small cut at its right ear hissed and swing his claw to the surface of the skin. The child cried at the pain while the mother yelled at the cat, trying to shove him away. He hissed once more before walking away.

"Stupid humans. That's what you get from touching me!" Jinwoo snarled at himself. He really like the cat form than the human form because of how his owner treated him. He always like to talk to himself because no one could hear him in the cat form. Everyone keep thinking that he is a kitten because of his small size and those stubby legs.

Jinwoo hates the word 'pet'. It sounded like an animal must be submissive to their owners. 'Pet' sounded like a slave to him. Jinwoo has been a stray cat for a few years. He know how to get food by hunting but a city does not have a lot of prey but a lot of poisonous rats! Many people gave him some wet food or dried cat food but he usually decline to eat them.

"Now my stupid short legs are tired, guess I have to sleep under that shelter," Jinwoo sighed in disappointment. He curled into a ball and closes his eyes.

"Hey,this is a new cat!"

A loud voice echoed in Jinwoo's ears which had awoken the cat, making him thinking he will be deaf if he keep hearing that high pitched voice. He opened his eyes and was surprised to meet a human face infront of him. He jumped and scrambled to his feet to not embarrassed himself which he did. Jinwoo snarled and hissed to alert the human. The human just laughed at the mistake Jinwoo made. An embarrassment and irrational washed over his body. He hissed even louder to get the attention of the human. The human laughed once more before trying to raise his hand to pet the cat's head. Jinwoo batted his claw against the skin which has caused the human to move away, creating a long claw marks on his arm.

"Aren't you a quite feisty kitten," Jinwoo attacked the human after hearing the last word. He scratched his clothes as in a warning. Thinking he had wasted too much time on this stupid human boy, he put his paw forward before a pull from his scruff.

Jinwoo had his paws flailing around to escape of his hold but it was no use.

"I'm gonna take you home,"

「Pet 」 || Myungjin (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now