Chapter 2 - Give Him Another Chance

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The Snack Pack watched Poppy walk away from Branch's bunker. "She looks angry." Guy Diamond said. "I hope it didn't go bad." DJ Said in a quiet tone. They all went down into Branch's bunker. To their shock, they saw Branch, grey as ever and sobbing his eyes out. "Branch! What happened?!" Biggie asked as the twins went to comfort him. "She got mad at me. She found the invitations that I crushed. I told her I secretly cared about her. But... She got mad. She told me we're done." Branch said still sobbing. "No, Poppy's not like that. I've known her since I was 6. I know she's not like that." DJ said. "We'll go talk to her." The twins said together. The girls went off to Poppy's pod. Leaving the boys to comfort Branch. The girls arrived at Poppy's pod. "Poppy, what happened with you and Branch." DJ Asked. "I dont want to talk to him. He said he cared for me. Such crap. He hurt me so much emotionally as a kid. Let him turn grey and go back to his old state. He doesn't deserve to be happy." Poppy said. Her friends were in shock. They'd never heard her like this. She was kind, loving and caring. Not like this. "But, you and him were the bestest friends. You can't just suddenly get mad at him." DJ said. "And anyways, you know why he was like that." Smidge said. "(Sigh) I Guess." Poppy said in a much more calm voice. "So, are you willing to give him another chance? He's been sobbing and crying his eyes out." Satin started. "That alone, is a sign of how much you mean to him." Chenille finished. Poppy sighed. She didn't know what to do. "Fine. I'll give him another chance. But, I want an apology." Poppy reluctantly said. "YES!" The girls whispered. All the girls except Poppy went back to Branch bunker to find that Branch was still crying in sadness. "Branch! Poppy said she'd give you another chance. Come on! Let's finish what you wanted! Tell her that you really love her!" DJ Exclaimed. "Yeah! This is your moment!" The twins said together. Branch nodded. "OK." He said wiping the tears off his face. "That's it!" Cooper exclaimed encouragingly. 

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