Six. Love me or not...

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^^^Hiyaa guys..and you doing? I have been noticing that my accent changed to a Texas accent? Anyhow enjoy this final chapter and I may do an epilogue after this?? Comment down below! Ps. After this I may write a beronica fanfic so....yeah I'm gay af.
Cole's pov.
"He's so into to me" I say with a imaginary crown on my head...since that scene we haven't really had a face to face talk. Currently I'm at KFC with my dream team Lili and Camila...and yes Lili is now less annoying since she found out that I liked KJ.
And we were having a talk on about whether kJ likes me or not. "But we still kiss and make out on set so I dunno..." Camila teases me as she basically roasts me by saying that she still is Archie's girlfriend and that scene was 'platonic'. Betty chimes in too "yeah right...since when did Archie ever like Jughead? I mean they both have gir-" my blood starts to boil as I snap a little to aggressively at them "Stop it! The reason why Archie never dates girls and just plays with their hearts is because he's NOT into closed."
.....Okay Jeez...that came out harshly and bluntly. Both of them turn silent for a second and I start to get anxiety...then they both start laughing in hysterics... Lili can't stop laughing as she even laughs in between sentences..." calm down no need to fight over fake characters...hahahaha...oh god you are the real embodiment of Betty and Veronica...."
I facepalm as they both keep teasing me for the whole day...stuff like:
"Oh 'y're so dominant over him that you even get jealous when he acts!''
"And Lili...he even snaps! Gosh I never ever had seen him so snappy over a loved oneeee!''
"Yeah! And Camila? Guess what....he even turns tomato red when any of us makes eye contact with kJ!''
"Ugh..." I say to myself....this will never end.
After hours of getting humiliated...kJ FINALLY shows up
He has a checkered red shirt with his ripped jeans and-wow is that a Gucci wallet? I get to lost that in fact...Camila starts nudging my leg. I huff in annoyance "F**k you guys! I was just looking at the wall behind him...'' Lili chuckles "Oh yeah you were...''
"Hey guys...uh sorry I was late I was-" "Getting ready for your boo..." Lili cuts him off and laughs as KJ...himself looks weirded out. I look at him in an understanding manner and speak "Uh sorry...they have lost their minds so you can just sit down here.'' I pat the seat next to me and he sits down.
There is an awkward silence and I'm the first one to speak up loudly "Okay...let's play...truth or dare!" Everyone claps their hands as Camila goes first.
"Okay...right of the bat...KJ!" She picks and looks at kJ as he says that he'll pick truth..."Okay...I'll go truth'' Camila nods and clears her throat "What do you Archie gay?'' I sigh...this again...
Clearly taken aback, he quickly says "Archie? No...I mean I'm not even gay so why would he be?'' I roll my eyes at his answer and sass him back "KJ that's also what noodles say right before they're boiled hon.'' Everybody seems to be squealing like pigs except kJ who's really eyeing me down as his target.
Then Lili goes next. "Okay I'll pick...Cole...and please pick dare no compromise!'' Me being me...I go against her and say truth...she fake cries and tells me the truth "What do you like about Archibald?"
Oh god..."Well...first, don't call his character that cause...don't, and secondly I love his character more than yours so that's it! Plus his abs...and his playboy personality but I'll still dominate him cause you know...Jughead rules over Archie so and um...yeah."
I take a deep breath as I see everyone's mouth open, including an amused kJ...who just clears his throat and says "Okay my turn...I'll pick Lili." Lili, still shocked by what happened a minute ago, says "Um...dare?"
kJ thinks for a second and then loudly says "Kiss Camila!"
Lili just shrugs her shoulders and goes over to kiss Camila on the cheek..."There! Did it!"
Now it's my turn...I look over to kJ..."Okay...KJ? Pick your choice.'' Kj looks puzzled but speaks nevertheless "I'll choose...dare?'' I sigh in nervousness....
You can say it.
Go for it.
Or else somebody will.
"kJ I want you to...I uh.. want me like I did on the set.''
Everything is quiet. Lili looks like she's about to faint and Camila widens her eyes in excitement.
"Cole-" "JUST DO IT." I cut off whatever he had to say to me. kJ...smiles innocently and scoots himself close to me and slowly grabs my hands...I laugh it his randomness but let it go as he pulls in to connect his thin, amazing lips to mine.
I grab his hair from the back to properly get in. It's very passionate compared to the other one, and the feeling is same for him, as he grabs my shirt collar and pulls himself to my lap.
We pull back at the same time and smile at each other. His face turns tomato red as he tries to hide his face in my jacket. I look over in a smug expression to see Camila and Lili shocked from what just happened.
It was all over until I see something pop up in my notifications.
From. kJ ❤️
I love you...don't tell anyone.
And I smile consistently at his cute text.
Kj's pov.
I slowly enter-wine my fingers with his and at the same time my phone flashes.
From. Cole-handsome-Sprouse
And I love you the most...there...Want to come over to mine? ;)
And I audibly laugh...
I love him.
He loves me too. I'm not going to even ask him because I know it.
I just know.
The end.
Not! There will be an epilogue so pls stay with me here and I may upload it tomorrow?
No promise.
Bye readers 😘😍
A link for all of you...surprised?

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