Chapter 6

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✅ UL ~ Chapter 6


Cheyenne's POV

I walked in the house smiling. My lips were still tingling with fireworks. "You're home late." my dad said, scaring me.

"It's only 11:00 and there isn't school tomorrow." I said.

"You shouldn't be out that late with a guy." he said in a monotone voice.

"Dad! I'm an adult and why are you getting worked up about this?" I said getting annoyed.

"Because you are my baby girl and you will get hurt dating a celebrity!" he said getting louder. I growled and ran up to my room and saw Del sitting on my bed.

"So? How was it?" she asked.

"It was amazing. He paid for everything even though I protested against it. We went to Starbucks and got the same drinks then went to the carnival where he won me two keychains, one with a picture of him and one with a picture of him and I. He also won me this teddy bear. He walked me home afterwards." I said with a huge grin.

"Ooh did you guys kiss?" she asked. I nodded. "I knew it!" she squealed.

"Ssh! You have to keep it down! And guess what?" I said, not able to contain my excitement.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm his girlfriend!" I said, well squealed. After our freak out we went to three in the morning. Before I fell asleep though, I sent Liam a text. 'Good Night babe <3'

Liam's POV

I walked off of Cheyenne's porch and started walking towards my car. I probably looked like a maniac with how big of a smile I had on. I pulled into the garage and tried to stop smiling. Ok got it- nope. Oh well. I walked into the house and was immediately met with three British and one Irish man jumping on my back.

"Did you kiss her?" Louis yelled.

"Did you hold her hand?" Zayn asked.

"Did you eat food?" Oh Niall.

"Did you get some?" Harry asked. I pushed them off of my back.

"Louis yes. Zayn yes. Niall of course. And Harry bad boy!" I said as I smacked Harry with a potato.

"Where did you get a potato?" he asked.

"No clue." I said and shrugged.

"Why are you smiling so big?" Louis asked. I didn't respond just kept smiling. I never smiled this big for Danielle. Cheyenne is different.

"You aren't." Niall said.

"We are." I said, smiling wider if it was even possible.

"Liam's got a girlfriend. Liam's got a girlfriend!" The boys yelled and started running around the house. I chuckled and went upstairs. I sat down in front of my computer and went on Twitter. Like usual I was met with millions of mentions. I went through my feed and saw a tag that caught my eye. #Liamandmysterygirl Not good. I clicked on the link.

Liam Payne was spotted today at Starbucks and a carnival with this very pretty mystery girl. Liam was spotted holding hands with mystery girl as he walked her home. They were also spotted kissing before she walked into her home and Liam walked away smiling. Who is this mystery girl? the post said.

Can I not get any privacy? I went back and scrolled through what the fans we're saying about her.

'She is so pretty! I totally ship them! #Liamandmysterygirl' most of them were like that.

Then there were these 'Eew! She is so ugly! I bet she's only using him for money and sex.' Those really made me mad. Little did they know that she was trying to stop me from paying ten dollars to get in the carnival. My phone went off and I looked at it.

'New message from Cheyenne<3' I smiled and opened it.

'Good night babe <3' it read. I smiled and replied then went to bed. 'Good Night beautiful. Sweet dreams.<3'


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