Chapter 21

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"Not in my room you don't!" Alexis yelled. The boys had decided they were going to have a food fight with expired food they found. Us girls found solitude in Alexis's room. Alexis grabbed one of her stilettos and started chasing the boys. They all looked up with fear in their eyes and ran for their lives. Alexis slammed the door and started laughing.

"This isn't even a real stiletto. It's for a costume!" she said and we all burst out laughing.

"Those boys have no brains at all!" Perrie said.

"Just now realizing that honey buns?" I asked.

"No! And Honey Buns? Really?" She replied. I shrugged and walked towards the door.

"I'm going to tell Paul to take these imbeciles somewhere away from us. Anyone want to join?" I asked and evryone else got up. I opened the door and walked out.

"Paul!!!!" I yelled. I heard footsteps and Paul arrived soon after.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Go take those idiots somewhere and get some mega stuf Oreos and fruit snacks please!" I said and he nodded.

"Louis! Liam! Niall! Harry! Zayn! Get your asses out here now!" Paul yelled and the boys all ran out with looks of fear on their faces. He grabbed their collars and dragged them away. We all laughed and walked into the living room which was trashed and reeked.

"Call the maid people it smells like shit." El said plugging her nose. I grabbed the phone.

"Front desk how may I help you?" The person said.

"Yes this is One Direction's suite. Could you please have someone up here to clean up these imbeciles' mess?" I asked.

"Oh hi Chey! And yeah I'll have them up there in a jiffy." she laughed.

"All right thanks Rose!" I said and hung up. Meanwhile we walked into the kitchen and cleared off the table to sit on it. Chairs are overrated. Once we had a spot semi cleared we sat down.

"So what now?" Dani asked.

"Well after the cleaning people clean up this mess we can binge watch The Walking Dead and then Criminal Minds. Hopefully Paul will be back with the food by then." I said.

"Yay!!" All the girls said and I laughed. Five minutes later the cleaning ladies walked in and started cleaning.
~~Time Skip~~

"Give me a f*****g Oreo d**n it!" Niall yelled. Alexis was running around with her package of Oreos and Niall was trying to get one.

"H**l no b***h!" She yelled. Meanwhile all of us were trying to keep the Oreos away from the boys.

"Louis no! These Oreos belong to me a*****e!" I yelled. He knew I wasn't ticklish so he couldn't try to get them from me that way. I wrapped my arms around the package and held it close.

"That's it. You left me no other choice!" He yelled and picked me up carrying me away. I noticed that Niall had done the same to Alexis.

"F****R NO LET ME DOWN!!!!!" Alexis and I yelled in unison. Everyone stopped and looked at us like we were crazy. We are. They shrugged it off and continued to walk towards the rooms. Louis finally got to our room and carried me in shutting the door. He set me down on the bed and I backed away.

"Now Cheyenne. Give me the Oreos." He said in a very scary voice.

"S**T LOUIS HAS BEEN POSSESSED!!" I yelled and I could hear Alexis screaming the same thing about Niall. He started crawling towards me and I started kicking my feet.

"GET DA F**K AWAY ANNABELLE!!!!" I yelled. He finally tackled me and took my Oreos. He ran away and I walked slowly after him. Niall ran after Louis and Alexis walked out to. I walked over to her and we walked into her room together. The rest of the girls followed soon after.

"Those d***s are gonna get hurt." El said and we all nodded in agreement. It was late so we all laid down. I laid on the bed with Alexis, El and Dani on the other, and Perrie on the floor. We all soon fell asleep.

~Cheyenne's dream~

(Warning: Sexual Content ahead. Skip if needed!)

I walked into the room with Louis in hot pursuit. We had just gotten back from the club and we were wasted. I turned around and Louis was right there. He attacked my lips hungrily. I kissed him back just as hard. He pushed me onto the bed and then got on top of me.

"You're so beautiful Cheyenne." he said and kissed my neck. I arched my back. He reached behind me and undid the zipper on my dress, pulling it off. I laid there in my white lace bra and underwear. Louis's eyes roamed over me. He started kissing my whole body. He kissed all the way down to just above my underwear line. He looked up at me then attacked my lips yet again. I pulled his shirt off, and with his help, his jeans. He reached behind my back and unclasped my bra. Then the dream got hazy and switched to a different scene. We were at a concert. Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Are you Cheyenne?" A guy asked. I slowly nodded. He nodded then punched me in the face, knocking me to the ground. He walked away and I laid there dazed.


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