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"Blood red Rosé, that's her,

blood red Rosé, blood Rosé Red Rosé"

The whispers came and they never go away. The voices echoing around the hallways of her soul.

"THAT'S NOT ME!" she screamed into the mirror "Who am I?" She asked, almost wistfully, half expecting her reflection to reply. She took a glimpse of her dripping hands, sticky with the warm liquid that once ran through the bodies of something that lived, until they met Chae- no Rosé. That's right, she's not the girl she was before.

She quickly washed off the crimson from her hands, realized she needed more cleaning she discards her clothes. Shedding the thoughts in her mind as well as she stepped into the ice-cold shower, letting the frigid water run down her porcelain body, until she went numb, letting go of sensations. She imagined how it feels like to be cut in the flesh, Rosé does not know, but Chaeyoung has faint memories of scraped knees and hurting ankles. “Strange" is the only word Rosé let linger in her head.

Stranger still is that the longer she stared at the shower room's bloodied tiled floor, it somehow glowed orange. A sudden bright light swallowed her and the small room. The deafening explosion mushroomed from below the building she was in. White hot steel shrapnel rained down, searing, piercing skin and breaking bones. Screams filled her ears and her consciousness. “How could I be so careless?” was her last corrigible thought.

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