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The night is her friend and the silver moon her companion she's not a stranger to the dark.

With light footsteps Jennie follows the trail of mangled bodies, probably some band of travellers who fell victim to the gaping mouths of the crawlers, the carcasses are still fresh.

She stepped over a pair of disembodied arms, hands still clasping a gun to which she looked on with contempt. A gun is the worst weapon anyone could defend themselves with.

She looked around if there is anything of use, she frowned. Not even an article of clothing that is not torn apart into pieces.
After so many suns of wandering around Jennie has learnt to scavenge, clothe and feed herself.

Gone were the days of luxury in her family's chateaux. Everything has changed is a stark understatement. She was young then, living in opulence sharing laughter with her brother when they swipe sweets from the kitchen during gatherings, getting healing kisses from her mom whenever she falls down from running around their vast vineyard, and her father she never really met him.

Always away he should've stayed away because his homecoming brought doom. Now they are just ghosts who haunt her mind, phantom faces in her dreams.

A cold wind announced it's presence bringing a chill to her exposed nape.

The East really have cold nights and becomes sweltering hot when the sun is up. Another expected bone-chilling gust but an unanticipated whiff of something lavender mixed with it. She raised her nose to the soft scent, almost non-existent because of the temperature. She might be mistaken but she's rarely wrong, she turned to the direction against the blowing wind  quickening her pace. She doesn't know why the fragrance calls to her on the metaphysical level. Her feet has their own will and she's carried to the barbed wire fence. For a second she thought there's a person stuck in between the post and the wild mesh of wire. It turns out to be just a black oversized hoodie the source of that faint floral aroma.

After a bit of a struggle she freed the thick but light clothing from it's prison. It's too large for her, she raised it up to her shoulders and the hem reaches almost to her knees.

The owner must be tall she thought, and wondered if he or she's one of those chewed bodies she saw earlier. A constellation is emblazoned on the front, she smiled it's perfect to ward off the cold.

She put it on and slowly warmth enveloped her body, she inhaled and the distinct lavender comforted her as if somebody's got her in a tight embrace she almost purred. Jennie snapped out of her reverie when she heard some leaves on the ground crunch. A crawler is slowly approaching her. It's glowing pair of eyes looked into another pair of bright ones. The owner of the latter zipped the hoodie close up to her neck, she clutched her dagger  across her chest it's tip reaching up to her elbows. She has to do this quick and clean, she doesn't want crawler blood on any part of her especially on her brand-new black hooded jacket. The scent has already endeared it to her.

With one swift move Jennie bounded on top of a hanging branch. With another launch she landed on the crawlers protruding spine, with the force of her leap and gravity pulling her she sliced off the head with a seamless swing. Jennie stepped off the cadaver satisfied, she adjusted the shoulders of her newfound apparel and pulled on the hood hiding her face.

She makes her way to the famous East Fortress, she travels in the cover of night because the night is the only one that is not her foe.

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