Feeling safe

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Melanies P.O.V

I was sitting downstairs in the couch together with my little brothers playing mario cart. I was in the first place like always when I played with my little brothers. I finally reached the goalline and cheered for myself. "I won!" I said and stood up doing my lucky dance. "You always win!" Michael said and looked mad at me. "Yeah it aint even funny to play with you cause you always win" matthew added. I smiled yo them. "Guys don't be mad at me, you are better at lego than me" I said and they just rolled their eyes. "Wanna go to our room" Michael asked Matthew and he nodded to his twin. They putted away thier consoles and leaved the room. I looked around and saw my uncle sitting at the table reading a newspaper. "Hey dad, wanna play?" I said holding up a console. He smiled and looked at me while he jumped on the couch to sit down beside me. We started a game and I had won 3 matches right now and we was on our last match. I heard it knocked on the door and my aunt shouted to us to get it but michael and matthew did. We was on our last race and was nearly finished. I was in second place cause my uncle was in the first place. "C'mon" I mumbled quiet to myself. I threw out a red shell and it hitted my uncle so I finally raced away from him in to the goal line. "YEEEES I WON AGAIN!" I shouted and did my victory dance again I looked at my uncle did a L in my forhead infront of him. "Loser!" I said and he looked mad a me while he laughed. "Stop embarresing yourself infront of your friends" He said and stood up. He messed up my hair and I looked at Michael and Matthew that stood beside Sophia and Wyatt. "What a loser" Micheal said and he and Matthew walked back to their room. "Nice victory dance in that pyjamas" Wyatt said and my face turned red. "What are you doing here?" I asked confused. "It is the last night we are here so we wanted it to spend it together with you" Sophia said. "Yeah and soph didn't like the idea of being alone with us one night more" Wyatt said and laughed. "Yeah, they are totally nightmares so please stay the night with me and we will survive together" she said and I laughed. I looked over at my Uncle who just nodded. "Just text us when you need to get home" he said. I turned  back to them. "I will just change and grab my stuff" I said and walked up stairs with them behind me. "I just need to see your room" Sophia said and I laughed. I opened up the door and let her and wyatt in. He looked at me and we smiled. "Wow" Sophia said. "This is the most beautiful room I have ever seen, you are really talented" She added and looked at me. "Well thanks soph" I said and smiled. I walked over to my wardrobe to pick out some clothes to change in and somthing to have tomorrow. "Are we going somewhere now?" I asked and turned my head around to the two persons in my room that looked around at everything. Sophia turned my head to me but wyatt still looked around in the room at all my paintings and drawings. "Maybe, I don't know really" she said and get back to looking at my wall. "Wyatt?" I asked and he turned his head around. "What?" He asked onfused and I giggled. "Are we going somewhere I mean somewhere public" I asked. "Yeah I think we are going to eat by the way can I look in this?" He asked and held up one of my sketch books. I nodded and got back to my wardrobe. I picked out jeans dress and a prdinary white t-shirt to put on now and a black dress with flowers on to have tomorrow with another white t-shirt. I packed down the outfit for tomorrow in my backpack and then tirned around to sophia and Wyatt. "Ehm you can go down stairs or to my art studio if you want to I just need to change" I said. Wyatt walked out fastly and after him Sophia. "We'll go to your art studio" She said and closed the door. I got of my pyjamas and laid it in the dirty laundry. I putted on the T-shirt and then the Jeans dress. Then I grabbed some new socks I choosee some dark green ancle socks and then I putted up half of my hair into a bun. I packed another pyjamas and walked into my art studio where sophia was looking at my finished paintings and Wyatt at my unfinsihed ones.

Wyatt's P.O.V
Me and sophia where looking in Melanies art studio waiting for her. "I'm finsihed" melanie said making me turn my Head around to face her. She looked at sophia who just smiled. Melanie was looking good in that Jeans dress and white t-shirt. It was so simple but she made it look special and better. And her hair, it was messy but jet so beautiful while half of it was in a bun while the rest was lose, it looked so great. I turned back to her paintings and felt my cheeks heat up. I was lucky none of them was looking at me. "Wyatt, c'mon the others are waiting" Soph said and she and Melanie walked out. I closed the door to her studio and showed my hands into my pockets on my hoodie. "Bye Mr and Mrs zoss" Soph said while Mel said goodbye as well. We putted our shoes on and sat down in the car. I started it and Mel was about to turn on the radio but I did instead. She looked at me and smiled. I gave her a small smile started to drive.

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