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Have you ever really wondered about how the world would meet it's demise? Everyone that you know most likely worries for our unstable future, both science and religion alike.  We are all but...tiny fragments of a...bigger picture. Humans are only good for so long, and everything eventually has an expiration date. When we rose to the top of the food chain, a whole new world was so gracefully laid out upon us. And I'm not one to be philosophical. My name's Arius, by the way. I'm fifteen, on what remains of the earth. We've moved so far into the future in my world, I can believe it. But that was not for the better. It took a turn for the worst when we tried to look at the equator by drilling ourselves to it. It didn't help either that this was in the middle of a literal World War. Turns out, the American government was trying to weaponize massive earthquakes to strike any (and all) of it's enemies. I'm guessing you can draw the dots on where this went wrong. Long story short, we just so happened to "accidentally" nuke the entire equator, making our World not only to split into 2 separate parts, but also destroying most life on the world, with the massive Earthquakes that weren't controlled that rocked everything. Massive spots of what was the U.S. are exposed to being just huge holes in the surface of the earth, exposing magma deep beneath the ground.  

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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