Unwanted Guest

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"Did one of you guys invite someone over?" Niall asked in fear. 

"No, snowflake we did not" Zayn said as he stared at the door. 

"Someone has to open it." Harry said 

"Can't we just wait til they leave ?" Niall said as he is rubbing his hands on his pants because he started to sweat a lot more then usual.

* KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* These were not small knocks but loud bangings. So hard that the door shook a little.

"I will go see who it is " Liam said while he stood up

 Louis jumped off the couch  and went straight to follow Liam  "I will go too , you just in case "


As I went to open the door there went another banging sound. I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach, but I opened the door anyways.  I opened the door  and was in complete shock.  

"Who is at the door Liam?" Louis said behind me 

"Ummm.. no one " I replied .

How can no one be here I just heard knocking on the door.  I went to step outside to see if someone was hiding when I kicked something. I looked to see it was a yellow enevlope with Niall's name on it. 

How did someone know that Niall was with us? Was he actually being watched this whole time , and we never noticed. 

"Lili? Are you okay? " Louis asked in fear

"No babe I'm not - someone has been following Niall. " I heard him gasp and then growl. "let's go back inside and talk to the boys we might be moving ."

I pick up the enevlope , look around a couple more times before going inside.

Niall POV

So Liam walked inside the house and he looks like he saw a ghost which terrifies me . 

"What happened Liam?" Harry asked 

" When I opened the door no one was there" 


" I found this on the floor outside - it has Niall's name on it- I didn't open it yet"

My blood went cold when he said it has my name is on it. How did they know I was here.

"Can I open it? " I really want to see what is inside

"Yeah umm. sure. here " liam hands me the envelope. 

I look at Zayn and Harry who are now on both sides of me and Liam sitting next to Harry and Louis next to Zayn.

My heart is racing and I cannot breathe very well. 

"It is okay baby - we will keep you safe , we promise " Harry whispered in my ear . 

I rip the top off of the envelope , and I close my eyes as I take the papers inside of it .

I open my eyes and I cannot believe what I am actually seeing.

" What the actual fuu.." 

"LANGUAGE NIALL " Liam scolded me 

"Sorry" I pouted

"What is it baby?" Louis asked

"It is my birth certificate... I am so confused how did my parents know I was with you guys? Was it my parents following me the whole time?  Is someone else stalking me and got a hold of my records? Like what is going on!" I can feel the tears that are forming in my eyes. I cannot handle what is going on.  

" we don't know what is going on baby, but we will figure it out" Zayn said as he started rubbing my shoulder

" Babe can I see your record?" harry asked 

I give it to him and lean into Zayn's chest. I feel so tired at this point I need a nap.  Zayn starts scratching head, and I love it. 

I started to dose off when I heard Harry gasp.

" What's wrong Harry?" Louis asked

"His real father ..." Harry said but real quiet that I barely heard him

" Yeah what about him.." I asked I never met the guy so I am confused as to why  he is important now

" Niall have you ever met your father ?" Harry asked sort of angry

"No I have not - I grew up with Bobby as my father- I don't even know my real fathers name." 

I can see Harry relax and then before I could ask why does it matter - Liam beat me to it. 

" Niall your biological dad is Luis Allison" Harry said fearfully

All the boys gasp and Zayn stopped playing with my hair, I look up to see his mouth wide open. 

"GUYS! Can someone explain to me as to why he is so important?" I hate feeling confused and none of the boys are being helpful

" Niall , baby, snowflake, love... "  I roll my eyes as Liam stalls on responding to my question

"Luis Allison is a very bad man- he is  a human that dedicates his life to hunting and killing vampires.. I am assuming that he got your mom pregnant knowing that you will be human. If you are human then... " He stopped talking because he got rudely interrupted. I looked at the boys to see who had cut Liam off until I heard a growl

" He is right....  I knew You were gonna be  human and that you will lead our cult." My body froze as my mates all stood up and growled at the man who helped make me... my biological father. Luis Allison is in my house, and no one smelled or heard him come in.

"How did you get in here?" Liam asked his eyes were red and looked like he was ready to kill. 

"Well you see - I met with Maura years ago - we signed a contract that when Niall turns 18 he will leave the presence of her home and live with me" Luis smiled a smile that gave me the shivers

" I am not going with you." I said with much confidence

Luis just laughed and smirked a devilish smirk that made my blood run cold

" Niall... Niall.. Niall... come with daddy back home" 

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