Write a letter, you'll feel better.

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Laura tries an "advanced therapy technique"

Tags: Angst, Where rhyme and fandom should never meet

She had thought that writing her feelings would help her stop being sad, so she spent an afternoon drafting a lengthy letter to her dad. She detailed every moment until her fingers started to burn; every twist, every curve, every monster at every turn, and every word someone said to make her heart ache with concern

She started to feel warmer with each word that spilled out of her finger tips. Each finger stroke brought a small smile to her pursed lips. Soothed yet disheartened by the events of the past, she thought back on all her friends as she continued her task.

Each one with strengths and weaknesses of their own, each weakness exploited and fatal if ever shown. Danny, poor Danny Lawrence. As she writes the tall girl's story her cheeks are flooded with teary torrents. And Carmilla of all people to capture her heart, there'd be no finer irony even in the greatest of Shakespeare's art.

But nevertheless she finishes her letter at midnight, and faces the dilemma she thought that she might.

To delete or not to delete, that is the question. Her mind spins with her troublesome obsession. To delete is forever, and forever is far away. How can she delete the past when it is there to stay?

But therapy is as therapy does, so her finger rests on the backspace button with a numbing buzz. The words on the screen in front of her disappear and a piece of her heart goes with; It flutters out the open window and into the great angler's pit.

Without another word she lays down on her bed and attempts to quiet the racing thoughts in her head. Thought after thought, memory after memory, she thought she had bought her happiness but it only left her simmering.

She curls around her yellow pillow and falls into restless slumber, hoping against all hopes that tomorrow she wouldn't feel any number.

Then, from the heavy shadows emerges a dark lithe figure. It takes the yellow pillow and promptly retreats with a raised middle finger.

Someday I'm Gonna Be With You (Carmilla One-Shots)Where stories live. Discover now