Enchanted Dominion

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My Pov

I looked around and the beautiful scenery. I looked to see that Salamon had changed back to Nyaromon. That boy must have hurt her.

"Nyaromon, wake up!" I said. She stirred a little before opening her eyes.

"Nya?" She looked around and realized we weren't home anymore. I could see a castle in the distance and decided to head that way.

"Come on Nyaromon. Maybe we can get help at that castle over there." I said. As we got closer, I saw four people going to the castle. Three of them were fairies. All three of the fairies had short, grey hair, carried a yellow wand, and wore conical hats with a chinstrap made of cloth that wrapped around the cone of the hat. They all wore long-sleeved dresses and capes that were nearly identical, except in terms of color. They were all roughly the same height as well. One fairy wore a red dress and cape, with a gold skirt under the dress with gold cuffs. Her cape was secured by a rectangular, gold broach. Her wings were small, triangular, and had a faint, red tint. Her hat was also red, and the cloth wrapped around it was gold. Another fairy wore a green cape, a lighter green dress, and an even lighter green skirt under the dress. She fastened her cape with a triangular, green broach. Her hat was green and the cloth wrapped around it was pale green. Her wings were small, triangular, and had a faint green tint. The last fairy was dressed in a dark blue cape, a blue dress, and a light blue skirt under the dress. Her cape was secured by a blue, circular broach. Her hat was blue and wrapped in light blue cloth. With them was a young woman. I caught up to them.

"Excuse me?" I said quietly. They stopped and the three fairies turned.

"Oh my. Who are you dear? And why are you out in the forest alone?" asked the red fairy How was I suppose to answer? Master Eraqus told me that if I ever went to other worlds, I wasn't allowed to tell others about the other worlds.

"Are you lost, dear?" asked the blue fairy.

"Yes. I have no idea where I am. All I'm sure of is that I'm a long way from home." I answered.

"Oh, you poor thing. Well, we're on our way to the castle to bring Aurora back home." said the green fairy. Aurora? I guess that was the woman who was with them. "Why don't you come with us and we'll help you the best of what we can." she suggested.

"Oh, I don't want to impose." I said.

"Oh nonsense. I would be ill mannered of us to leave a poor child alone in the forest. Especially with her out there." the red fairy said. Her? I shook it off. "My name is Flora." she said.

"I am Fauna." said the green fairy.

"And I'm Merryweather." said the blue fairy. I curtsied.

"My name is Hikari." I said. We began traveling to the castle. I couldn't help but notice that Aurora looked very sad. I wondered why. We got to the castle by the time it was sunset. It was so beautiful. We went up several stairwells and came to a room. Flora sat Aurora near a vanity.

"And now dear. If you'll just sit here. This one last gift, dear child for thee, a symbol of thy royalty." Flora said. The three fairies waved their wands. The sparkles from the wands came together and created a gold crown. "A crown to wear in grace and beauty. As is thy right and royal duty." she finished. Aurora looked at her reflection and cried. She buried her face in her arms and sobbed.

"Now, dear-" Fauna began, but Flora stopped her.

"Come. Let her have a few moments alone." Flora said. They left Aurora. I stayed behind.

"Please don't cry Aurora." I said. She looked up at me with tear-filled eyes.

"Do you even know why I'm crying?" Aurora asked tearfully.

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