Miracles Do Happen

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My Pov

Me and Nyaromon had been staying with Snow White and the dwarves for several days and Ven and Jolteon hadn't come back yet.

"Hikari, is something the matter?" Snow White asked.

"Well... I don't mean to sound ungrateful to you Snow White, but I'd really like to go home. The people who have looked after me my whole life have to be worried sick about me." I said.

"It's alright. I think you should hurry back to your home, before the people who look after worry any more than they've already." Snow White said.

"But, won't the dwarves get angry with me if I leave you all alone?" I asked.

"I'll tell them that it was better you returned home than stay here. Just be careful." Snow White. I nodded and ran to the door.

"Thank you, Snow White!" I exclaimed, hurried out the door and through the portal as it appeared. Little did I know that I had just left Snow White vulnerable to her evil stepmother.

Terra's Pov

I had managed to track Master Xehanort down to the Badlands. He told me that Vanitas was the darkness he had extracted from Ven to save him. It all made sense now why Ven had been in that state when we first met him. I thought back to that day.


Both me and Aqua were training with our newly obtained Keyblades, Gaomon and Penguinmon were sparring after finally digivolving to Rookie. Hikari was watching from a little ways away with YukimiBotamon next to her. She happily clapped her hands to together and squealed. Aqua put her Keyblade away and picked Hikari up. Penguinmon went over to YukimiBotamon and picked her up.

"Penguinmon. You need to stop carrying YukimiBotamon everywhere!" Gaomon exclaimed.

"Do I need to remind you that YukimiBotamon hatched only a few days ago? Besides, she's a Baby Digimon" Penguinmon said.

"Aqua, Hikari's not gonna learn how to walk if you keep carrying her. She's a year old now. She should be talking now, too." I said.

"Give her time Terra. She's probably just waiting for the right time. She's a smart baby, you know that." Aqua said. Hikari reached out her tiny hands for me. I let her grab onto my finger and she gently squeezed.

"You're right." I said, smiling at Hikari. That's when we heard the main doors opening we looked over the railing to see a man and young boy. The man and Master Eraqus went off to talk, but the boy stood still. Next to him was a small Bird Digimon.

"That boy... is he okay?" Aqua asked.

"I'll go see." I said. Me and Gaomon walked down the stairs and up to the boy and his Digimon. He didn't seem to notice me. "I'm Terra. This is my partner, Gaomon. What's your name?" He looked up at me and seemed to have a sad, dead look on his face.

"Ventus." the boy answered. Gaomon looked at the Digimon next to him.

"Who are you?" Gaomon asked.

"Pinamon." the Digimon answered.

"Whew! You both can talk. Aqua, c'mere." I called to her. She came down the stairs with Hikari, who no longer had a cheerful look on her face. Her face was blank. Penguinmon trailed behind while carrying YukimiBotamon.

"Hi. I'm Aqua and this is Hikari." Aqua said.

"I'm Penguinmon and this is YukimiBotamon." Penguinmon said.

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