Chapter 2

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(Brendon's POV)

I pull away, confusion running through me and Dallon chuckles awkwardly. "Sarah walked I-in and I- oo you have pretty eyes." I giggle and Dallon chuckles. "Bren, you're drunk, I think I should take you home now. " He says. "Nuh uh, I feel great!" I say loudly and I notice someone sit next to us and oh look. "So you guys are together now?" Sarah asks, a kind smile on her face.

Fuck she didn't even seem jealous the hell. "N-" "yEah!" I cut Dallon off and she slowly nods and I giggle. "I figured. You guys seemed a bit too close to just be best friends. Everyone figured honestly." She says and stands up walking away. "What the f-flipping fucks does she mean by that?" I ask and Dallon shrugs. "Dunno. I'd say we act like normal best friends, other than the fact that we just kissed, but thats besides the point." He says. "You're drunk so you don't even know what you're doing." He says and I look around to see if I could recognize anyone and oh look there's Josh.

"Joshyyy!" I call out, causing a few people to turn to me, but they quickly go back to what they're doing and Josh noticed me and smiles, walking over. "Hey Bren. Hey Dal." He says. "Can you get me a drinkkkk." I ask and he raises an eyebrow. "You're wasted dude you sure?" He asks. "N-no 'm not. I feel fine." I slur and he sighs and nods.

"Since I know you won't take no for an answer." He says turning and walking towards the bar. He's right, I wouldn't. Ha! "B, why're you still sitting on me?" Dallon asks with a laugh. "Because. I want to." I whisper and he just awkwardly laughs. "Here you go." I hear Josh say and I grab the cup from Josh and smile at him. "You're hot th-thanks." I say and he simply pats my shoulder and heads off somewhere. "That was gay." I say to myself taking a sip out of my drink. "Nah only a bit." Dallon says. "Yeah and I-I loved it." I say and he just stares at me as I take another sip from my drink.

"Ho-hows your koolaid." I ask and Dallon chuckles. "It's alright." He states. "I'm telling you, Dal. Y-you should have a drinkkk." I say and he shakes his head. "I needa drive you home. I can't and I don't want to." Dallon explains as I drink the last of my drink, and I lean forward, resting my head on his chest. "You're cozy." I whisper and he chuckles. "Oh no, I go-gotta pissss." I say, and roll off him. "I'll b-be back, Dallyyyy." I say. "Be careful, Brendon." He says and I giggle and walk off, stumbling around to find a bathroom. I eventually did and after I was done, I got confused on what way I came from. "Wh-what the fuCK all these walls look the s-sAme!" I exclaim and lean against one, kinda giving up.

A man approaches me and stands in front of me and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Yes?" I ask, chuckling a bit as I swayed. "So you're a fag now?" The man asks and I glare at him. "Don-dont use that word you bastard." I say and he laughs. "What're you gonna do about it, you little bitch." He says and I roll my eyes. "N-nothing you homophobic piece of shit." I say and suddenly he punches me, causing my face to fly to the side. I gasp and shove him away from me, bringing my hand to my cheek. It fucking hurt. I guess I wasn't that drunk. I go to walk away, when suddenly I'm shoved to the ground.

Punches came at me left and right, and I couldn't do much. I tried blocking them, but it didn't help. I tried hitting back, and kicking at him but he didn't budge. My vision was going funny, every time his fist came in contact with my eye, weird colors of white and blue burst in my vision and I wondered if I was dying. He landed one last punch to my nose before someone yells something. "Hey get off him motherfucker!" I hear someone yell and suddenly the guy is shoved off me and I look to see it was one of my friends, Gerard, that shoved the guy off me. I sit up, my whole face was in excruciating pain. Fucking hell if I knew he'd go that crazy I wouldn't have shoved him. Blood was filling my mouth and I now realized that I was crying.

I didn't even feel that much drunk anymore. I lean forward letting the blood in my mouth pour out. I also realized that my nose was bleeding, as the blood poured out of my mouth, I could see droplets coming from my nose. Someone hands me a towel, which I accept and press to my face. "You okay, Brendon?" Gerard asks and I stand up, and groan. "Nah that homophobic homo over there fucked my face up." I state and the guy, whom was still on the ground, stands up. "Hit me again bitch I fucking dare you." I state and the guy laughs. "I'm not the one who's fucked up so I mean.." He says smoothing out his shirt.

"Because you decided to hit me when my back was turned like a little pussy." I state. "Brendon shut the hell up. If he comes at you again this time I'm not gonna help." Gerard says. I know realized there was a crowd formed and I roll my eyes. Suddenly I'm pulled away by someone and I gasp as they pick me up. "Let go! just cause I'm short doesn't mean you can pick me up like a child!" I exclaim causing a few people to laugh at me. "Bren calm down it's me." I hear Dallon's voice and stop struggling.

We go out the front door and right when he closes it, he puts me down. "Bren what happened?!" He asks and I sigh. "That guy.. he was being homophobic and h-he punched me so I shoved him and then he.. He attacked me." I say. "Move the towel and let me see your face." He says and I shake my head. "Brendon." He says sternly and I glare at him, but remove it. His eyes go wide and I look down. "It's bad isn't it?" I ask and he nods. "Let's get you home and put ice on your face." He says and I put the towel back on my face.

We get to his car, and the ride to my house was silent. It wasn't awkward but it wasn't like a nice silence either. We get out of the car and as Dallon approaches my house I stay put. "What's wrong?" He asks once he realizes I'm not moving. "My head hurts really bad, carry me, Dal?" I ask and he sighs but walks over and picks me up. "Your a pain you know that, Urie?" He says as he unlocks the door. "I know.  I know. " I say while closing my eyes. Maybe it is time for me to grow up?

Authors Note

Why am I even continuing this lmao

LIKE it's trash but I'm bored so here take this

My life's a joke

See ya! 💕✌🏻

Edit: the mistakes in this make me wanna die omg

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